Unconfirmed: Wii Wheel to cost $14.99?

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.03.2008 10

With Mario Kart Wii zipping to homes in a matter of weeks, details of possible Wii Wheel pricing have surfaced.

In the US, when the Mushroom Kingdom folk hit the circuit at the end of April, the Wii wheel can be bought separately. Despite other control options available, the plastic shell is said to ship for $14.99 - so says a Gamestop Flier.

Although Nintendo has not confirmed pricing for the Wii Wheel without the game, the advertised price does seem likely.

Mario Kart goes on sale in the UK on Friday April 11th 2008, and on the 27th in the US of A.

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Doesn't it just come with the game?

How can people actually spend money on this crap?

Just celotape the wiimote to a figgin dinner plate.

( Edited 01.05.2008 20:24 by [ F J D ] )

There'll be a free Wii Wheel with the next NGamer, that'll only be a fiver.
Its not the exact same design, but it's quite close.

I wouldn't buy this if was

Wii Wheel

�6.99 UK price on ShopTo.net

( Edited 31.03.2008 21:37 by iFrit )

Dritttoolegit said:
Doesn't it just come with the game?

Yep - but extra ones...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

For a piece of plastic, uh no..

Phoenixus said:
There'll be a free Wii Wheel with the next NGamer, that'll only be a fiver.
Its not the exact same design, but it's quite close.

Well I suppose that will be my first issue I will buy in over six months. It sure beats the lollipop they once put on a cover once, or was it M&MsSmilie

Dear god why would anyone pay US$15 for this bullshit?!?!


Nooooo thank you.Smilie

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