Majesco Making the Wii Humongous

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2008 9

Majesco Entertainment have announced a deal to bring popular Humongous characters to the Wii.

Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam and SPY Fox are getting onboard the Wii train later this year in a series of point-and-click adventures for children and their families.

"For more than a decade, Humongous has continued to create some of the most memorable and successful interactive entertainment properties for children. Their characters have demonstrated both tremendous staying power and widespread consumer appeal, and we think this kind of family-friendly content is well-suited to the Wii system."

Jesse Sutton, Chief Executive Officer, Majesco.

Freddi Fish in Kelp Seed Mystery, Pajama Sam in Don't Fear the Dark and SPY Fox in Dry Cereal will retail for a bargain-price of $19.99 each.

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This makes me angry! Just because its the wii doesn't mean you have to dump all of you family friendly crap all over it!!! Also its point and click, just put it on a stupid computer, dont turn the wii into trash!

Freddi Fish in Kelp Seed Mystery, Pajama Sam in Don't Fear the Dark and SPY Fox in Dry Cerea


Just what the Wii needs: more shovelware.

Of course, that's just an opinion.

God sake. Nintendo, ban this crap already! Jesus...

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Mai god, this is amazing. Just what I always w... nah, not really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I guess everyone agrees with my comment.

edracon said:
I guess everyone agrees with my comment.

Yes everyone agrees, and agreeing with your comment is what every normal person should do.

might just get the spy fox one just because the name is so rediculous...

Done well, I have no problem with this. More kid friendly stuff is always welcome for those of us with kids Smilie

But, I'm kind of curious why they would make a Wii version. I would have thought a DS version would make more sense (cheaper to make, more potential market, point and click is a natural fit). Or are they making both?

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