Atari Brings Driving Theory to DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2008 1

Driving theory can be a right pain for new drivers, so to make learning more interactive, Atari have announced a theory package for DS.

The publisher has revealed new software that aims to help drivers revise the driving theory test and Highway code. Aside from standard question->answer sessions, players can also take part in mini-games to make the experience more enjoyable/interactive.

"Knowing the rules of the road and the Highway Code is vital part of driving and passing your theory test. Everything from speed limits to stopping distances is covered using the official question bank featured in the actual test. The application also includes the full Highway Code and fun driving-related games. Wherever they are, players can take the test, revise the questions or simply play challenges."

Jeremy Wigmore, managing director of Atari UK.

Driver Training Theory will be released for Nintendo DS in the summer.

Box art for Driving Theory Training








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That'll be very useful to a lot of DS owners, me included. Eventually.Smilie

Right, now where's my Japanese training game!?Smilie

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