Disgaea Website Launches (Nintendo DS)

By Adam Riley 24.03.2008 6

Nippon Ichi has launched the official website for its first Nintendo DS project, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Due for release later this year, it is the first of five planned games for Nintendo's portable platform. The latest title, Disgaea 3 on PlayStation 3 has only managed to sell just over 80,000 units, but it seems that the hope for this DS edition of Hour of Darkness is expected to do over 100,000 units at least. Other than retaining all the aspects of the PS2 and PSP versions, new to the DS version are some new characters from other Nippon Ichi games and Wi-Fi play.

Be sure to check out all the latest screens of the game in the media folder below...

Box art for Disgaea DS

Nippon Ichi


NIS America





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They expect me to buy and play the same game 3 times? I love it but...

That just takes the piss.

Thankfully I only sampled the PS2 version. I was planning on getting the PSP edition, but now I know of this, I'll wait instead.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Also, they haven't taken into account that nobody's bought Disgaea 3 because none of the fans can afford to buy a PS3.

So they choose to keep the original subtitle "Hour Of Darkness" instead of changing it up like the PSP version huh. No "Day Of Darkness?"

Sprite said:
Also, they haven't taken into account that nobody's bought Disgaea 3 because none of the fans can afford to buy a PS3.

I'm waiting for it to go to the US so i can import it, i can't read japanese so whats the point of importing an untranslated game

Looking great.

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