Ace Combat Team Brings Exclusive to Nintendo Wii

By Adam Riley 24.03.2008 3

Bandai Namco's infamous Ace Combat team is bringing an exclusive flight game to Wii this year. Having already worked closely with Nintendo on the Starfox for the GameCube, it appears that this new title will be exclusive to Wii and is due in August 2008 over in Japan. It is an adaptation of the new Mamoru Oshii movie of the same name. Oshii-san's previous work includes Ghost in the Shell, and Production IG is the company that provides video introductions to Bandai Namco's 'Tales of' RPGs. The movie is set to be released under the same name around the world thanks to Warner Bros. owning the rights to it, meaning the chances of seeing this game in the West are extremely high. According to an interview with Famitsu (in which you can also see game footage below) it seems the title will re-use assets from Ace Combat 5, but the screenshots that can be seen in the media folder, this definitely looks far better than that game.

The official site has now also launched, so expect more details in the coming months...

Box art for The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces

Team Ace Combat


Namco Bandai





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European release date 2008   North America release date 2008   Japan release date Aug 2008   Australian release date 2008   

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This was on IGN a couple of days ago, looks quite good.

Bandai Namco's infamous Ace Combat team... seems the title will re-use assets from Ace Combat 5, but the screenshots that can be seen in the media folder, this definitely looks far better than that game.

Wow, what's with all the anti-Ace Combat reporting?

Anti-Ace Combat reporting? That was meant to imply that this Wii game looks far better than AC5 on PS2, which is should do...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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