Sonic Unleashed Heading to Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.03.2008 11

The internet has run like Super Sonic on speed shoes over the weekend with information on the upcoming Sonic Unleashed - which may be coming to Wii.

The project, exposed by various reliable Sonic and Sega fansites/blog, is seen to be a new 3D outing for the blue wonder, seeing him dabble with a more wolfy side.

Gameplay/story wise, details seem sketchy, however Sonic is said to be able to transform into a "werewolf" form, joined by his old chums Tails and Knuckles, along with a mysterious unknown being. Maybe.. a brown..hedgehog?

German Sega fan-blog, SEGA ON, the title is scheduled for release this Winter, possibly before Christmas - assets which were found on SEGA's server (has since been removed).

According to Sonic Stadium, the game is due for a multi-platform release, including strong signs of a Wii version:

"Sonic unleashed will be on the cover of the next PLAY magazine, it will also feature in Nintendo's magazine (NOM) and will be in the August issue. The screens I have uploaded are from the Xbox 360 version of the game, however, the game is going to be a multiformat release."

First gameplay footage (presumably from the Xbox 360 version):

  • Thanks to the folks in the Sonic Unleashed topic - be sure to keep an eye on the thread for updates!
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    Nice to see this in motion! Hopefully will head to the Wii in some form or other - some of the shots do look Wii-worthy!

    Liking the side-on sections though I think the camera definitely needs work (as it does more than 1/2 the time in 3D sonics) - less radical, more stable!

    Looking good though!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Undeniably it looks good but I am not convinced by the gameplay mechanic.

    If/when it comes to Wii I am truly hoping for refined controls from SaTSR just to show that the games success hasn't gone unnoticed.

    looks like sonic rush just went 3d

    Looks too much like satsr to me.Smilie

    russraine said:
    Looks too much like satsr to me.Smilie

    Whats wrong with Satsr?

    I'll be happy with this on the Wii(although the video is probably not from the Wii version) and wouldn't the Xbox 360 controlls on the 3D bits feel a bit weird

    why "unleashed"... aw man...

    A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

    Why am I so unsettlingly dubious about this?

    The way I can see it, this could go either way:

    1. Sega tacks a SatSR control scheme on the Wii version, and gives 360 a similar on-rails style, arcade-like Sonic game.

    2. Sega doesn't learn from past mishaps and keeps the 360 version like the god-awful Sonic the Hedgehog, and then gives Wii a dumbed down version of that - without decent controls.

    I really can't see them utilizing their resources to make both games suit their respected consoles, but they could just get some B-side dev to rush the Wii version.

    Lets just say this: if there's a PS2 version, be afraid.

    It looks good, but as usual I'm not sure.

    It would be typical for this to be on 360/PS3 and not Wii. And if it's on all, then I automatically expect the Wii version to be watered down or just not as good.

    Also, I'm worried that it will just be a Sonic Rush game on console, which is a waste of opportunity. People may say Sonic can't be done in 3D, but it can, all it requires is effort.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    It fake...early april fools joke. Looks pretty good though. I actually want that game to be made, but its not going to happen because it looks to good for Sonic Team to make.

    Why is that presumably from the 360? Because it looks to good to be a wii game?

    EDIT: Also sonic transforming into a werewolf screams Zelda TP to me...

    ( Edited 25.03.2008 01:12 by Flynnie )

    Yes it's too graphically good to be a Wii game, and if it's on Wii it will be a worse watered down version of this, which may be REALLY bad.

    And is it fake? No, I highly doubt it, Sonic has nothing going on at the moment so there was bound to be an announcement of a new game sooner or later.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Far too much effort has been put into it for it to be just a joke.

    I really hope the music (and music like it) in that video will be used in the proper game too. Just replacing that shit pop-rock soundtrack they've had for years would immediately bring the game up ten points imo.

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