Nintendo UK Launch Pro Evo 2008 Mini-site

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.03.2008 6

The folks at Nintendo-Europe have launched a microsite detailing the upcoming Wii edition of Pro Evo 2008, from the masters of footy: Konami.

Revolutionising the way you play, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 for Wii takes you to the heart of the action on the football field. The freedom to create free-flowing football with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk means you can take charge of any player on your team, any time you like. Make passes into open space, drag your strikers into goal-scoring positions or send players on decoy runs to create gaps in the opposition defence. With all that creative freedom, you'll soon see how the beautiful game got its name!

  • Pro Evo 2008 Wii Microsite
  • Box art for Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
    Also known as

    Winning Eleven Play Maker 2008









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    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Cool, out next week!. There are currently not that many reviews around but most I have seen see the game score highly. IGN Wii team seem to like it, they called it a "A Grade" sports title on Wii in their last podcast.

    Linkyshinks said:
    Cool, out next week!. There are currently not that many reviews around but most I have seen see the game score highly. IGN Wii team seem to like it, they called it a "A Grade" sports title on Wii in their last podcast.

    It does seem pretty good! Wii-Remote controls people seemed a bit iffy about at first, but does seem to be growing!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Seems like it is going to be a really good game.

    I like the idea that finally a developer has revolutionised their title for Wii rather than making it a watered down nothing game.

    IGN seem to love the game, I think this is a definite buy for me.

    ONM gave it 90%

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    This game has to refine itself in the same way other footy games have had too. 90% and thereabouts is perfectly acceptable given the radical changes. After this one has been played to death by Wii owners around the world Konami should have all the feedback they need to make it even better no doubt. I think if this game has any major hurdle it is the pick up and playability of it, in it's true form. The "easy mode" will not suffice for those fans of the Evo series, it will do for the family which is great of course.

    This game will require everyone to play tutorials intensively, which I think is actually pretty cool. I am looking forward to the change in videogame footy.

    Yeah I saw that control video. It looks really cool. I'll rent it and if I like it I'll buy it.

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