Disgaea Sequel Coming to Nintendo DS As Well?

By Adam Riley 20.03.2008 3

Nippon Ichi has now revealed a DS port of Disgaea, but will its sequel also come? Speaking recently, NIS America PR Manager Jack Niida mentioned that 'Hour of Darkness' from the PS2 was coming to DS after six years due to overwhelming demand from the company's fan base. "If the fans want Disgaea on DS, then they shall get it!"

The DS version will not only include all of the extras that appeared in last year's PSP port of the game, but more: "Not only will the DS version have all the contents from the PSP version, it will have more, so there's quite a bit of game play. It's going to be one heck of a handheld game."

As for the sequel eventually making it to DS, whilst nothing has been confirmed, Niida did state he would love to see it appear in handheld format at some point as well. Considering Disgaea: Hour of Darkness is just one of numerous DS projects from Nippon Ichi, no doubt we will be seeing much more DS support in the near future...

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The more the merrier!

Disgaea 3 was just released in Japan. Did he mean that game in handheld format? Cool.

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I think I'm going to cry! I love Disgaea so much it hurts! Wow. Awesome. Don't make me wait too long!

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