Microsoft to Borrow Nintendo Marketing Ideas?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.03.2008 10

A pair of photos from Nintendo and Microsoft's meeting rooms during GDC have brought up some interesting marketing comparisons..

Image for Microsoft to Borrow Nintendo Marketing Ideas?

The above photo depicts both companies' respective rooms during the developers' conference earlier this year, the first showing Nintendo's marketing-style for the DS, and the latter revealing a similar theme for Microsoft's Xbox promotion - i.e. happy ladies and gents in a living room pointing their peripherals to lure punters into joining in their button bashing/remote-thrusting sessions.

Thanks to Wired Blog.

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In my opinion, it actually looks like Microsoft did the better job. It might just be the lighting, but that still can make all the difference. Their pictures are much more colorful and lively.

However, I don't know if this marketing style will appeal to their most common audience. Nintendo knows it works for them. This seems to be Microsoft's safe way of seeing if it works for them.

Why have both of those Japanese people got remotes?

When I looked at the bottom one i tought they were waving wiimotes and nunchuks.
I personally like the XBOX ones..

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the xbox ones look like horrible copies of the wii ones (not shown here).

Not Microsoft's bad enough Sony can't come up with an orginal idea anymore.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Big deal.

Gripping stuff.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Wow I thought those people were playing the Wii...Smilie

..Simple and Clean..

Since when was using "happy ladies and gents in a living room" Nintendo's idea?

This so makes me want to play a Xbox360.

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