Spectrobes Returns to Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008

Disney Interactive Studios have announced a sequel to Spectrobes, in Beyond the Portals.

The million-seller sequel sees players follow Rellen and Jeena from the original outing, as they discover fossilised creates known as Spectrobes and use them to battle enemies.

"Spectrobes has become an international sensation. By continuing to build on its enthralling story, unique gameplay features and memorable characters, Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals will continue to thrill fans. This second game is part of our plan to expand the series in the coming years."

Craig Relyea, senior vice president of global marketing, Disney Interactive Studios.

The sequel sees a variety of new features, including a new tale, revamped 3D visuals, search/battle feature improvements and online play using Nintendo Wi-Fi.

Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals is currently planned for release this fall.

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