Final Fantasy Tactics on Nintendo DS Confirmed for US

By Adam Riley 19.03.2008 6

Square Enix has announced today that the latest entry in the IVALICE ALLIANCE series, FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2: Grimoire of the Rift is set to transport players to the fantastical world of Ivalice on June 24, 2008.

"Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of Ivalice this summer with FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2: Grimoire of the Rift. As the third entry in the Ivalice Alliance series, this follow-up to the 2003 Game Boy Advance release brings the popular tactical franchise to the Nintendo DS for the first time. FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2: Grimoire of the Rift will introduce newcomers to an engaging turn-based, grid-oriented battle system as they make new discoveries alongside the hero in this lighthearted adventure. Long-time fans will enjoy exciting new content and enhancements, including polished game mechanics, intuitive stylus control, and new jobs and classes.

"FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2: Grimoire of the Rift makes the tactical RPG genre accessible to fans who may be unfamiliar with the grid-based battle system. While maintaining the classic functionality of the much-loved gameplay, this newest release boasts upgrades that enable a more engrossing and fulfilling tactical RPG experience."
- Director Yuichi Murasawa.

"School is out for the summer, but mischievous Luso Clemens must first face detention to make up for his misbehavior. Alone in the library, he stumbles upon an ancient book with magical powers that summons him to the mystical land of Ivalice. Warped into the middle of a battlefield, Luso joins Cid and his clan to set off on an adventurous journey looking for a way home."

  • Explore the fantastic world of Ivalice and join forces with famous heroes from FINAL FANTASY XII

Box art for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Square Enix


Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (14 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Not my kind of FF game, still I think it's great that it's coming to western DS market, the more SE content the better. I hope that eventually their successes on DS will translate into new Wii games, with some rooted in the past Smilie

I was all set to get RoF and FFRW but both seem to have faults that let them down badly. I played around a hour of RoF and some of the controls were just plain dumb and annoying for spells. It's such a shame as it could have easily been a great game if the controls worked well. It does however look gorgeous, I love the art and music. I can easily imagine MP to be fun but the lack of online is lame.

I am still committed to getting all the beautiful looking DQ games as well as FF4- onwards on DS.

Chrono Trigger 2, Wii Ware, please!

Freaking. Radically. Awesome.

That is all.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

About time.

I have a friend who has serious invested 300+ hours (as of 18 months ago) into Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced. I'm sure he'll be picking this up as well.

I did enjoy tactics advanced, but I have no need to go through a similar game. With Brawl out and Okami on its way for the Wii, I'm having trouble getting enough gaming time in as it is.

IMPORTING!!!!!!! Dear god I\'m dying for this!!!

400 quests! Isn\'t that like double the first one had?!?!

( Edited 22.03.2008 05:20 by tiamat1990 )

Sweet. I love the FFT games. always good to have more.

Lord of Darkness
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