Guitar Hero DS Peripheral Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008 25

The first images and video from Guitar Hero DS have been revealed, including an ickle peripheral to jam on the move.

Image for Guitar Hero DS Peripheral Revealed

According to IGN, the game is being headed by Vicarious Visions of Tony Hawk and Spider-man fame, bringing the guitar-playing to the portable domain. The peripheral (above), known as the Guitar Grip, allows players to hold their DS in book/vertical form, and strum their way to victory by using a specially designed stylus.

"We began prototyping ideas for Guitar Hero on DS in early 2007. We quite frankly didn't know whether it would be possible to bring the core essence of the franchise to handheld and have it actually work. It was 20-something gameplay prototypes that were built, all trying different mechanics and uses of the hardware. Some were pretty cool, others were total disasters!

At some point, we hit upon the idea of creating a peripheral that would have the fret buttons plugging into the GBA slot of the DS. We ripped apart an old GBA cartridge and did some electronics work on it to rig up a prototype device. As awkward and crude as that prototype was, that's when we knew we were onto something. We figured that attaching a full-size guitar or even a mini-guitar would be too awkward to play on the road, hence the design of the more compact Guitar Grip, which gives you the tactile sense of the fret buttons, with the touch screen depicting the strings of the guitar."

Karthik Bala, CEO of Vicarious Visions.

The DS version features similar modes to the console outings, including solo Career mode and co-op/competitive multiplayer modes. Over 20 licensed tracks from various bands, including Nirvana, OK Go, and No Doubt. The DS's microphone is also said to come into play, for blowing out attacks as an example.

Guitar Hero: On Tour is due for release in summer 08.

Box art for Guitar Hero: On Tour

Vicarious Visions







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This looks amazing! Smilie

I think it could even be better than the consoles version, in the way it controls. 20 tracks is also pretty good for the DS and nice to see some good bands in there.

I may get this, if I hear good stuff about it.

Do the two people in this video really not care that they look like idiots?
Sorry, but it's a pet peeve of mine that people in these videos do things that they would never really do when playing the game.
However the game itself looks rather impressive considering the console size ect.
However the fears of hand-cramps to creep back into my mind.
*Thinks of Metroid Prime: Hunters and shivers in his lonely corner*

May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

Well, this is a shock I didnt think something like the guitar grip would work!

Looks very good though.

Has there been any word on the track list and will it have online play?

That is a fantastic idea! Hopefully the game won't retail for much higher, if at all.Smilie

Wowzer!, that does look cool Smilie Smilie

Does this reverse for left handers, i'd find it ucomfortable holding the DS with my left hand ad using the stylus in my right. Although, i might just about be able to do it, i mean i used my right hand with things like scissors.

Looks really cool - I love the Wii Guitar Hero, so this is definitely on the interest scale.

I hope the Mic isn't used to extensively. Mine just stopped working over the holidays. Thankfully I have a headset that works fine, though the irony is that I think its the headset that might have shorted out the microphone...

4 buttons? lulz
Touch screen strumming? lulz

This is definitely not aimed at anyone who plays GH with any kind of skill. Peripheral is awesome tho.

knighty said:
4 buttons? lulz
Touch screen strumming? lulz

This is definitely not aimed at anyone who plays GH with any kind of skill. Peripheral is awesome tho.

Well I certainly don't play it with anything resembling skill, so I'm not too fussed. Looks fun and that's good enough for me.

I do have some concern about touch screen strumming though..we'll see how that goes.

That is looking much better than I expected...good show!

I\'m not entirely sure why you\'d want to buy this Jacob if you have the Wii version...does it have other songs or something?

edit: I should probably read the news post next time.

( Edited 19.03.2008 20:03 by knighty )

looks cool might buy it

That video is hilariously stupid, but the attachment is quite genuius. I like how the guitar pick attaches to the game.

Who do they find to make these ads... Smilie
The Grip looks pretty sweet though.

the only problem is the relationship between fingers and screen. when i play guitar hero i dont look at the colours, i look were the icons are and that allows me to see what finger to play, at first you use colours then you go into a frame of mind, gonna be a bit harder with the fingers sideways to the screen.
o and blowing will be for star power and battle mode.
o garantee it.

Wow, pretty cool.

Well I could get about 80+%s on expert on my friends Guitar Hero 3 after just one night with the 4 buttons will make that way too easy...

(oh yeah and GH was a lot more addictive than I thought it would be)

But I still praise them for being so innovative!Smilie
But I think this will rape the touch screen - like imagine through the fire and flames on this?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Fantastic! I want this!

Seems mighty funky! The advert makes it sooo not cool, but it's the trend in gaming-advertising these days so had to be used I suppose.

Liking the look of the peripheral! Looks pretty darn solid Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

awesome. i hope theres wifi, but i wont complain if theres not. wireless multi is a must though!

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

ZeroSimon said:
Well I could get about 80+%s on expert on my friends Guitar Hero 3 after just one night with the 4 buttons will make that way too easy...

(oh yeah and GH was a lot more addictive than I thought it would be)

But I still praise them for being so innovative!Smilie
But I think this will rape the touch screen - like imagine through the fire and flames on this?

I want to see this strum stylus, if it looks too conventional it's definitely going F up your touch screen,

Well thats easily a must buy for me! Too awesome to pass up!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Fits snug and tight in your DS Lite!!

.. But what of your Phat?

(And don't give me a comments box if I'm not logged in.. That was just plain annoying, having to retype!!) - Where making games is fun!

4 buttons? That's too easy. Still I'll buy it. I mean portable Guitar Hero? How can I say no.

Oh and that video is just retarded...

It kind of kills the "guitar playing" effect, doesn't it? It in no way resembles a guitar. That always part of the fun, I thought.

Also, you'll probably need some headphones, too. You don't want to be real noisy out in public sometimes, and what would be the point of playing it at your house if you have the home version?

Also, I'm not sure how easy it'd be to strum the guitar. It seems to me like it might be awkward. Normally you look at the touch screen when you use it, on this your focus is on the other screen.

Other problems have already been said (4 buttons and possibly the relationship between fingers and screen, like echoes said).

I wasn't going to get it anyway because I'm not crazy for GH (good bit of fun, but I wouldn't pay very much money for it). I bet the big GH fans will get around these problems.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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