Nintendo Improves Slightly in Greenpeace Report

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008 12

Greenpeace is targeting electronics manufacturers again, and Nintendo still sits at the bottom, but has improved - ever so slightly.

According to DS Fanboy, this month's Greenpeace report has seen Nintendo rise from a previous "you're the bane of the Earth" 0 to a slightly better "still needs work" 0.3

Leading the pack are Samsung and Toshiba, who are greener than value apples at your local supermarket.

  • Greenpeace Electronics report - March 08
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    This was probably their answer for Nintendo getting even worse. They didn't know enough about negatives due to failing Maths at school, so they put it back up into positives.

    Wii Wheel/Zapper. I mean are they really necessary?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Im going to have to take the Clarksonist approach to this and say who cares!!! (also I have trade marked Clarksonist lol)

    Granted the Wii Wheel/Zapper are daft bits of plastic that didn\'t need to be released but they have and that\'s that.

    ( Edited 19.03.2008 17:03 by Tman!! )

    Smilie@ the .3 improvement. Greenpeace should concentrate on saving the whales.

    Yes and just ignore electronic waste. Good idea. It's a huge issue and having read that Nintendo are doing nothing whatsoever I'm pretty appalled.

    ......who cares.

    For $&

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Yep because by that point we will all be living on Mars or the Moon. Personally I don't mind either.

    Laurelin said:
    For $&?$/!! sake. When you have no earth/energy/air is left to breathe you don\'t have air to recover from Wii Sports. Yeah, \'who cares\'. That figures!

    Smilie Yeah...Nintendo\'s stealing our air...

    I see the point...but I hate Green Peace\'s \'holier than thou\' attitude...Smilie

    ( Edited 19.03.2008 22:21 by Ikana )

    If I'm not mistaken, the whole reason for the original "0" ranking was b/c Nintendo didn't give them any/enough information, and instead of doing something like giving them an N/A, they gave Nintendo a 0. I wish I could remember where I read that...I hate unverified information.

    Yeah, because it was apparently confirmed last time round that the report from Greenpeace was reliable.

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    Don't they rank them according to their press releases or something stupid like that?

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