Public Pokemones Orgies in Chile

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008 12

Pokemon is the act of catching beasts in the wild. Over in Chile a new fad has taken off: Pokemone, the act of having public sex-orgies.

According to Kotaku, over in Chile teens have dubbed themselves "Pokemones" and are wandering about not in search of Pokemons, but other teenagers to... engage in group fun, of the genital kind.

I guess we don't really think about politics or anything. We're not for anything, but we're not against anything, either--well, except our parents getting mad at us for being Pokemones."
16 year-old Valentina Espinosa.

Prepare for trouble, and make it sexual.
To infect the world with sexual-disease
...and so on.

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El Chiliano teenagers must be really randy.


A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

How much do you think a flight to Chile is from the UK? lol Smilie

Gotta catch 'em all.... like AIDS, Chlamydia, Herpes...


ew well i hope they protect themselves...... with pokeballs of course

pokecondoms are going to be the bomb!

so if their pokemon, does that mean the cops use pokeballs to detain them?

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

I do not want to see what their rendition of Hydro Pump is!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Thats crazy...

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Disgusting and sick. How bout some morals before you end up in the drain?

the pokemon manic is quite disturbed

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