Success on Nintendo Wii Leads to Popcorn Ads Coming in Europe

By Adam Riley 19.03.2008 5

Data Design Interactive has today revealed details of its TV advertising campaign for the Popcorn Arcade range of Wii titles. The campaign is set to run for the whole Easter Holiday period with the adverts showcasing the range of games available on the Popcorn Arcade label. The titles (Kawasaki Quad Bikes, Mini Desktop Racing, Ninjabread Man, Billy Wizard and Myth Makers Super Kart GP) are all priced at

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Better keep my TV off from now on I guess.

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Oh dear.

It's a shame really. I honestly want a game called 'Ninjabread Man' to be full of win. Smilie

It's fine if it's only on the kids channels.

I feel sorry for the kids.
Then again, it'll either be this or 'cool' Need of Speed and Fifa crap. Which is the lesser of two evils?Smilie

Must suck to be a child, in this day and age...

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