Summon Night RPG Coming to Nintendo DS in US

By Adam Riley 19.03.2008 1

Atlus has confirmed that Summon Night: Twin Age is coming to the US in a couple of months. The fully stylus-driven action RPG set in the popular Summon Night universe uses the stylus as your key to the world of Clardona, whether as your swinging sword or your shimmering wall of fire. Summon Night: Twin Age is currently scheduled to bring its precise controls, beautifully animated graphics, and addictive action RPG gameplay to the Nintendo DS on 20th May.

"From a very young age, the human girl Reiha displayed great aptitude for the magical art of Summoning. While still a child, her powers caused a terrible accident during a major Summoning experiment. It was reported that Reiha had died as result, but she survived, along with a young Summon Beast named Aldo that had been pulled into her world...Following the accident, the two children grew up together as brother and sister on the tropical island of Jarazi, among a race of people with beast-like features. There they learned to commune with the Nature Spirits that surrounded them. One day, the Spirits began acting strangely, prompting Reiha and Aldo to investigate. Their quest to find out who or what is behind the corruption of the Spirits will lead them back to the human lands where the cataclysm first brought them together..."

  • High-precision stylus control - Unleash the power of your Nintendo DS as you wield your stylus to attack foes, heal allies, and use items. Navigate your way around menus and maps with a responsive touch-based interface.
  • Packed with gameplay features - Immerse yourself in a lavish gaming experience that lets you do battle, collect items, craft weapons, earn and improve skills, conjure beasts, build relationships with party members, trade items via local wireless, and much more.
  • Choose the way you play - With alternate story paths, loads of battle options, side quests, and multiple ending sequences, there is a wide variety of ways to play. Replay the game and challenge yourself with extra dungeons.
  • Richly woven tale of adventure - Two playable characters and several widely varying party members provide different views of your journey through the world of Summon Night.

The official website can be found here.

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Never played a Summon Night game before, but this sounds really interesting.

( Edited 20.03.2008 01:42 by Glenjamin )

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