Nintendo Voice Chat - Ep1 Summary

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008 3

This week's updated IGN Wii-K in review summary details Smash Bros. Brawl Sales, Pro Evo, Mario Kart Wii and more...

Smash Sales:
-1.4 Million copies in 8 days
-1.8 Wii units produced every month
-875,000 Day 1

Obscure: The Aftermath:
-480i, 4:3, 60fps, $29
-Stiff Animation in parts
-Drop in, drop out 2 player.

Pro Evolution Soccer:
-8.6, "absolutely killer, absolutely sick"
-2 Players, online, great sports game in general, "using the wiimote is badass"

Wii Love Golf:
-Online mode for America with Mii usage.
-Zak and Wiki character.

-The game could be Kid Icarus, they know it exists, but it could not be.
-They hope its not Kirby,Icarus or DK, the games they already know about. Do hope its Pikmin or something else cool, unknown or new

Mario Kart Wii:
-Battle Mode. Fun. Going to be the main draw for people.
-They have a remake of block fort, but its not quite block fort, 70% old block fort.
-They like the DK skate park
-Sand level, Swamp Level, Snes Mario Kart battle level 4.
-Battle mode team based 12 players is badass'd
-Online looks like you'll be forced either red or blue team

World is With You:
-"Best S-E game thus far for DS", Bozon
-Feels like a crazy innovative game.
-Bottom screen like Ninja Gaidenragon Swords, top screen like dance dance revolution ... at the same time.

Reader Questions:
-VC Downloads of Gameboy games and then X-fer to DS? ~ They think it'll happen eventually, maybe with DS2.
-Earthbound VC, hear anything? ~ Haven't heard. Will hassle Reggie about it next time they sit down.
-Any game you would give a 10 that you didn't review? ~ Link to the Past Bozon, Super Metroid Damon, Original Pokemon Craig. Matt wouldn't have given OoT a 10.
-New Metroid? Who will take over? ~ Nintendo Rep told Matt they'll hook them up with Retro sometime this year. Its going to be an original game.
-DS potential still untapped? ~ Bozon, "Some publishers are saying DS is not a money making system anymore"
-Yo, Favorite Mario Kart Battle Mode? ~ Balloon Pop is better than Coin Collector.
-Reggie's Game? ~ Matt, "Hopefully Pikmin 3". Bozon "Kid is back". Could be Animal Crossing.
-Chibi Robo sell well, chance of Wii Game? ~ No idea on sales. If there was a GC game, theres always a chance of a Wii game.
-Whats next for RE franchise on Wii for US. gamers? ~ Port Jokes. Minigame Jokes. No chance of RE5 Wii.
-June/July for Nintendo? ~ "May just slide Wiifit, Kart a month each", Bozon.
-Mario Kart, Bikes or Karts advantage? ~ Bikes are tighter.
-New News on Mario Baseball Wii? ~ No Idea.
-Mario Kart Wii LAN? ~ No
-SquareEnix WiiWare other than what we heard? ~ Yes.
-Dark Game Matt? Ehh? Ehh? ~ "...."
-Big Huge 2008 Wii title you hinted at last week? ~ Long way off, may not be 2008. Top Tier easily. Can not say more.
-Sega Superstar Tennis? ~ B-game. "has all those characters, but the game really doesn't have any character".
-What Mario game would you remake for wii? ~ RPG, 3, Yoshi's Island.

Thanks to NeoGAF for the tip.

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12 player BATTLE mode on mario kart?!

Thats worth the price alone. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The summary above about Mario Kart misses the extreme negativity they were exuding about it. They were joking it would barely get an 8.0. Matt in particular seems to be dissing the game frequently.

Good stuff as usual. Can't wait to see what happens.

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