Painting the Town with De Blob: New Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008 3

It's time to don a Wii Remote and paint the town red, literally! A pair of videos from the upcoming De Blob for Wii / DS.

The game sees players bopping up and around swanky looking city environments spreading different coloured paint blobs around as they add a little life into an otherwise monotone world.

De Blob is due for release during Q2 2008.

Box art for de Blob

Blue Tongue







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Q1 2008   North America release date Q1 2008   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Q1 2008   

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IGN is really hyping this up. The same why they did it with Zack and Wiki so I'm keeping my eye on this.

Aye, saw it recently in Live, seemed really interesting to play - definitely one of the more unique Wii titles out there I must say

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Certainly the most original title for Wii i've seen.

Still not sure about it though, it seems like too much of the same thing but if IGN are getting on it like they did with Zack and Wiki then there has to be at least some potential in there.

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