Site: World of Nintendo, Featured Reader Reviews & Blogs

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2008 4

A mini-update to C3 brings automated Nintendo feeds and featured reader reviews/blogs.

World of Nintendo: Elsewhere on the Web

There are a load of top Nintendo news/information sites on the web, but keeping track of ongoing happenings in the world of DS and Wii can be long-winded task!

Here at C3 we try to provide as many news updates as possible, but would also like to offer a convenient way of viewing content from other top news sources.

The mini-box of updates can be found on alongside the news on the home page, and its own dedicated page. Sites are checked automatically every five minutes, so be sure to check back!

Featured Blog Entries

Express yourself! Since launching the blogs feature many moons ago, you guys have posted some interesting, funny, moving, quirky entries and we can't get enough of them!
To reward bloggers for taking the time and care, we've decided to feature top blogs on the home page, and the Blogs directory. If your blog is selected by the team, you'll receive 10 stars for your efforts.

Featured Reader Reviews

We've had a bunch of well-written, informative reader reviews recently and would like to feature these on the home page and Reader Reviews listings. Enjoy a game? Or would rather burn it? Be sure to have your say by writing your thoughts and experiences on your games. All members whose reader reviews made featured will also receive 10 stars.

Top reader reviews and blogs will appear in the weekly newsletter with its upcoming relaunch.

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Oh this is an awesome feature!

Kinky stuff Jorge.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Nice work J, it's looks awesome and it's even more convenient than it was before. *drools* Smilie

It all looks very nice, great work, I like how it works. I will use it post a review of Ninja Gaiden DS soon.

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