Doodle Hex Developer Does Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2008 2

Spanish-based Tragnarion Studios have acquired a licence to develop titles for the Wii.

The Doodle Hex (DS) developer has confirmed that they have acquired the ability to produce titles for Nintendo's white box as an officially licensed Wii developer.

"Now that we are releasing in May 2008 our Nintendo DS title 'Doodle Hex', we are really looking forward to work with our recently acquired Wii Licensed, so that we can bring the Doodle Hex saga to this amazing platform. We've been working on preparing some really innovative projects which will make full use of the Wii's unique capabilities"

Ricardo Carretero, Lead Designer of Doodle Hex.

Thanks to Games

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What's doodle hex?

I know right? I never even heard of the game or developer.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

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