Nintendo UK has High Expectations for April

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.03.2008 7

Nintendo UK have commented on the forthcoming April releases in Europe, trying to broaden the marketplace this Easter.

The company reiterated its high profile releases for Wii next month, including Mario Kart and Wii Fit.

We think Wii Fit is a very catalytic title for us and we think it is the next chapter in the true broadening of the marketplace. We've achieved that already to some extent with both Wii and DS but with Wii Fit we think it's going to be explosive in terms of the breadth of the appeal of the product

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Well at least I can reward my self with Mario Kart for finishing 2 of my 5 essays. Wooooop

There is no doubt that they will do well.

Mario Kart will be my reward for making my Media Studies coursework deadline...

Wii Fit..... yaaaaaaaaaay. Smilie

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It's totally understandable why they are so confident, both those products are going to sell ridiculously well. Wii Fit in particular will be selling like hot cakes after all it's appearances in the media it will no doubt get.

Nothing like battling obesity with video games.

Delay Mario Kart and give us Brawl.Smilie

What about Smash Bros huh! It'll be a better April if it comes out then...Smilie

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