Mario Kart Wii Removing Snaking?

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.03.2008 35

According to the folk from the Official Nintendo Magazine, Snaking in Mario Kart Wii is a thing of the past.

The latest edition details the game's mechanics, and had something interesting to say about power-sliding:

The second big difference (in Mario Kart Wii compared to the rest of the series) is the removal of snaking. Ever since the N64 game, practically every Mario Kart game has included the ability to get a speed boost by waggling the controls left and right as you powerslide. This has finally been scrapped, and now your speed boost is determined by how long you can hold the slide.

Snaking can be described as using the powerslide boost to, if pulled off right, gain multiple speed boosts in virtually any part of the track - especially in straight sections.

Thanks to Aussie-Nintendo.

Box art for Mario Kart Wii








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Heh? Its a legitimate strategy. If you use it, doesn't mean you'll automatically win against a non-snaker but its one extra technique you have under your belt to use to play the game.

Fucking hell you guys are actually blind/insane? Snakers don't care about cornering? Lolwtf are you on about? I've played enough games at Uni with 8 people, myself and 1 other guy snaking and we still had a hard time staying in front due to item bombardment. Many times I'd go from first to last with 1 hit. I cannot believe you can possibly think there was any other way to gauge skill in the game. It's not like it requires realistic driving lines.

Can I just introduce a momentary interlude of sanity here?

Just thought I\'d say, NOM are stupid. From the sounds of things this in no way removes snaking. In fact, if anything, it sounds like it makes it easier. All this means is that to powerslide you just have to slide for a certain amount of time, with your resulting boost getting stronger the longer you slide.

You could still snake... Just keep sliding in different directions over and over again. As far as I can tell from their description, the only thing that\'s changed is the fact that you no longer have to press left and right repeatedly to get a boost, you just get it automatically. Making it easier to snake actually...

Lalz, common sense!

EDIT: Oh yeah, Mario Kart DS is shit. The item system was completely fucking broken, and powersliding was the only way to get any kind of advantage. I never really... Snaked (Snuck? Snack perhaps?) myself, but I can\'t see why people complain about it so fucking much. It\'s like saying that someone who knows all the special moves in Street Fighter is \'cheating\'. They\'re actually just better than you...

( Edited 18.03.2008 01:23 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Actually it makes it harder well not harder but it forces you to use them properly as you have to slide around a whole corner wait for a few soconds then get granted a boost unlike DS were you obtained the blue sparks depending on how fast you could wiggle your thumb left and right.

In the DS one you could hop left right dash hop left right dash in a continuous succesion on a striaght plain fairly easily.
You can\'t do that in this one as you have to wait, so try cornering in the middle of a straight waiting a few seconds for the sparks and try to stay on the road.
And even if you could you could snake on a wider portion of a track it wont be boostboostboostboost like in the DS one it be more like sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiide boost sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide boost. So probably wont benifit from it much.

I\'m basing this off Super Circuits system mind this might be completly diffrent so, yeah.

( Edited 18.03.2008 01:44 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Well I\'m not sure how long you\'ll have to wait before you get a boost. It says it\'s determined by how long you can hold the slide, so I\'m assuming that if you slide and then stop almost instantly you\'ll still get a small boost, and then sliding for longer will get you a stronger boost. Which means you could still snake, with lots and lots of small boosts...

Either way NOM are retarded and said Powerslide where they should have said Slide and Snaking where they should have said Powersliding. They probably thought \'Hey! People go on about Snaking loads. Lets write about it without actually knowing what it means! We\'re a games magazine, we\'re supposed to do that kind of shit! ^^\'

I was gonna say they should have done it like Mario 64 and just made it harder to powerslide, but then I thought OH DEAR GOD NO, that\'s the worst idea ever... Mario Kart 64 controls feel so abysmal now...

( Edited 18.03.2008 01:51 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society
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XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I agree wholeheartedly

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society
Guest 18.03.2008#33

russraine said:
point is Mario Kart is an all round fun racer, if it was about skill, lap times and perfect lines it wouldn't have weapons or the other crazy shit in the first place.

If I want a serious bit of racing I play Live For Speed (yes Live, not NEED) on the PC. If I want a fun game I can play with everyone where winning isn't the most important thing in the world I play Mario Kart.

That is what I mean by the fact that snaking ruins the fun of MK

it won't kill me... i'll live...

I think that this is a great thing to get rid of for the MK series because snaking is one of the most cheating things in the game and when you go online everbody does it. If it is not removed then it will be a most reckless thing to put in. And if it is removed then peoeple will have a better chance of winning.

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