UK Says Yes to Manhunt 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2008 18

Throughout Manhunt 2's development, producer Rockstar have had problems releasing the title in the UK, but after months of appeals have finally gotten the go-ahead.

According to IGN, the BBFC previously prevented the title from hitting shelves in the country given its unsuitable content and problems with the original title. However, the High Court allowed Rockstar to appeal to the VAC, and the outcome of which now sees Manhunt 2 able to journey into the world of retail with an 18 age-rating.

As I have said previously, we never take rejection decisions lightly, and they always involve a complex balance of considerations. We twice rejected Manhunt 2, and then pursued a judicial review challenge, because we considered, after exceptionally thorough examination, that it posed a real potential harm risk. However, the Video Appeals Committee has again exercised its independent scrutiny. It is now clear, in the light of this decision, and our legal advice, that we have no alternative but to issue an '18' certificate to the game.

David Cooke, director of the BBFC

We are pleased that the VAC has reaffirmed its decision recognizing that Manhunt 2 is well within the bounds established by other 18+ rated entertainment. Rockstar Games is committed to making great interactive entertainment, while also marketing our products responsibly and supporting an effective rating system.

Official Rockstar Statement

The company have not confirmed a release date for the toned-down version, but expect a release sometime in 2008.

Thanks to Phoenixus for the tip.

Box art for Manhunt 2

Rockstar Toronto







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Manhunt 2? What's that?

I might have remembered what it was a year ago.

( Edited 18.12.2012 23:37 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Just read this elsewhere and came to submit. In one word- GOOD

I hate those bastards at the BBFC, this sends out a good message to other developers that the Wii can have mature content also. Funny that it has come on the date of NMH release. Awesome game BTW, very Smilie, I am playing it all day today Smilie

( Edited 18.12.2012 23:37 by Guest )

Pity the reviews over the pond have been average, or I might actually have wanted this.Smilie

Should sell well for the 'Hey look! I've got a game where you brutally murder people!' factor.

( Edited 18.12.2012 00:50 by Guest )

Wonder if this might influence Australia's decision to release this game over here.

( Edited 18.12.2012 00:50 by Guest )

Gawd, NoE are getting worse and worse with these release dates.

Surely they could've at least attempted to put this out on the black market. They're so lazy!

Coming from a place that already has it (US) you might not want it.

Linkyshinks said:
Just read this elsewhere and came to submit. In one word- GOOD

I hate those bastards at the BBFC, this sends out a good message to other developers that the Wii can have mature content also. Funny that it has come on the date of NMH release. Awesome game BTW, very Smilie, I am playing it all day today Smilie

The BBFC are not bastards, and nor does this send any kind of message about what sort of games the Wii can and can\'t have. And yeah, I\'ve heard it\'s pretty shit anyway.

( Edited 14.03.2008 17:55 by Oni-Ninja )

and they take the blood out of no more heroes?!? what the fuck NoE and BBFC

Eh...I'm more interested for news on a bloody PAL No More Heroes. *weeps over black pixels*

Surely I can\'t be the only one who isn\'t bothered about NMH\'s lack of gore.

Gore =/= good. FFS.

There\'s no gore in the Japanese NMH either. >.>

( Edited 14.03.2008 23:28 by SuperLink )

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PS3 Tag: SniperMoth
DS ID: SniperMoth

SuperLink said:
Surely I can't be the only one who isn't bothered about NMH's lack of gore.

Gore =/= good. FFS.

There's no gore in the Japanese NMH either. >.>

Nah, I don't get the fuss over it either. Though, I hear it has some pretty strong language...and I'd be more bothered by that than gore, tbh. :p

Don't care about Manhunt 2, hate Rockstar's games anyway...

Ikana said:
Nah, I don't get the fuss over it either. Though, I hear it has some pretty strong language...and I'd be more bothered by that than gore, tbh. :p

Don't care about Manhunt 2, hate Rockstar's games anyway...

I agree with you there too, I'd be much more pissed off about censoring language. Personally I don't think there's censored language is there? I mean what can't be in a 16+ game? Smilie

And yeah I hates Rockstar too. They're too controversial for their own good.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't really differentiate between censored gore or language. Both = censorship, which = bad.

I meant that I find bad language more offensive than gore. Just a personal preference. So I find it odd that they\'d censor gore, but not the language. Both or neither, imo. :p Preferably neither.

I forgot, are we talking about Manhunt 2 or No More Heroes? Smilie

( Edited 17.03.2008 01:03 by Ikana )

Ah OK.

As far as I see it, No Gore in NMH = original version (the one that was released first in Japan) and I would have been annoyed if they removed the bad language.

If the game was originally planned to have gore I would have been more annoyed about that, but US is the only region that has it.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Ah OK.

As far as I see it, No Gore in NMH = original version (the one that was released first in Japan) and I would have been annoyed if they removed the bad language.

If the game was originally planned to have gore I would have been more annoyed about that, but US is the only region that has it.

lol, so they actually ADDED gore to the US version of NMH? :p That\'s bizarre...the oppposite to censoring. Smilie

( Edited 18.02.2009 22:46 by Ikana )

I\'ve ordered this game on PS2. Apparently, the censoring is much less intrusive on the PS2 version. I can\'t find any PS2 videos, but I\'ve read that the filter which is applied over the execution scenes is much less extreme than the one in the Wii version. Rather than the screen going all red and basically obscuring everything, it just flickers a bit, and you can pretty much see what\'s going on. We\'ll see.

( Edited 18.02.2009 22:41 by Martin_ )

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