Nintendo Preparing for Wii Launch in South Korea

By Adam Riley 14.03.2008 4

Nintendo is finally gearing up for the launch of Wii in South Korea this Spring, following the initial delay from Christmas 2007 due to stock shortages. This is far in advance of the Chinese launch, which is still apparently set for Christmas 2008.

Whilst Nintendo of Korea has yet to give a firm date, the discovery of the release came from ratings applications for two of the launch titles, Wii Sports and Wii Play. Korean websites are speculating this means the release is likely to come before 'Children's Day', an event that takes place on 5th May.

In separate applications, Acitivision, an American game software company, also received ratings for its two Wii games in Korea last week.

"We will make an official announcement once we are all ready. Korea is an important market for Nintendo, and Internet piracy is seriously affecting the growth of the video game industry in the country. The unprecedented momentum enjoyed by Nintendo DS and Wii makes Nintendo an attractive target for counterfeiters. We estimate that in 2007, Nintendo, together with its publishers and developers, suffered nearly $975 million worldwide in lost sales as a result of piracy."
- Kim Sang-yean, public relations official of Nintendo Korea.

Expect more details as and when they emerge...

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Nintendo are going to make a killing there with all that they have being doing, the DS has been huge and the Wii will be even bigger.

They are dropping the ball in the biggest potential markets India and China with the others making in roads in India already.

Is Nintendo the first to move in to South Korea or are the other two there already?

I lived in South Korea for two years back in the early 90s. I can\'t believe they still don\'t have the Wii or Brawl.

*snicker, snicker*

( Edited 14.03.2008 14:57 by BlueRocks )

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

I think Jez/Adam who wrote this article is in a better position to answer that as he has strong connections there.

I imagine Sony certainly are in some capacity. I should point out that I also meant that Nintendo are tapping into the developing talent there as well as the retail market. I certainly don't think the others are doing that.

S Korea has a large development community and China's is growing rapidly. India has a huge one, although most of their talent does not go towards gaming but instead other areas and as a result the best get poached off to Silicon Valley.

They should sell it in North Korea instead Smilie

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