C3 Exclusive Interview | FFXII: Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS)

By Adam Riley 14.03.2008 7

Final Fantasy XII has already proved to be a massive success around the world, selling many millions of copies. Therefore, it was not entirely surprising when it was revealed a spin-off would appear on the world's most popular system, the Nintendo DS. What was shocking was how Square Enix had decided to take the new game in a completely different direction, mixing real-time strategy with traditional role-playing aspects. Cubed3 caught up with the game's Director to chat about the project, its European changes, the possibility of a sequel and more...

Image for C3 Exclusive Interview | FFXII: Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS)

Cubed3's Adam Riley: What made you choose to do a FFXII side story on Nintendo's DS instead of making another PS2 game?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: From the beginning, it was our intent to create a new FINAL FANTASY game on the Nintendo DS. The Nintendo DS has a universal appeal that seems to transcend gender and age groups. Even people who have never played video games before seem to be able to pick up and play DS games with ease. It was this widespread appeal and accessibility that motivated us to create a new FINAL FANTASY that everyone could enjoy.

Image for C3 Exclusive Interview | FFXII: Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS)

AR: Was the plan to always take FFXII: RW in a real-time strategy direction? And was there any consultation with the Heroes of Mana team, considering that also uses the RTS genre?

MT: The basic concept behind the battle system is "large-scale combat using simple controls," which is realized through the use of the DS stylus. Though the game admittedly has RTS-like qualities, our intent was not to create an RTS title; rather, the project revolved around the question of "what would happen if we applied the FFXII battle system to a large-scale military conflict setting?" As such, the battle system in this game was inspired more by FINAL FANTASY XII than HEROES of MANA.

AR: Can you tell our readers a little more about how the game uses the DS system's various features?

MT: First of all, in regards to the battle system, players can strategically mobilize multiple characters and Espers using the stylus alone. Engaging in combat can initially be just a matter of setting destinations or targeting enemies. However, as players grow more accustomed to the system, they can employ more strategies, such as choosing the right combinations of units or using certain commands at the right timing.

In terms of actual gameplay, as characters gain levels, the gameplay tempo increases to an action-game-like level. The longer you play, the more challenging it becomes.

We also took advantage of the DS's dual screens to enhance the cinematic effects in the game. By displaying different camera angles on the top and bottom screens, we were able to create visually dynamic CG movies that you can watch repeatedly and discover something new every time. All of these features could have only been realized on the Nintendo DS, and we hope that you will all experience it firsthand.

Image for C3 Exclusive Interview | FFXII: Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS)

AR: Are all of the characters in Revenant Wings from FFXII, or are there new ones created especially for this portable game?

MT: The main setting of the game is the sky continent of Lemur

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A sequel...? To a sequel???

Oh deaaah. I wish they would just make more proper FF games. Ah well, I didn't want to check this out until I got FFXII. I stand by that even if you don't "have" to know FFXII to know this. References to previous installments make me all warm inside, so yeah Smilie

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"to the pioneering days of the NES when RPGs were all tales of high adventure that everyone could enjoy."

Oh, please, the early FF games, and almost all RPG's of that era were even more mind-numbingly boring then today.

Simple dosnt mean accessible. Accessable is when you get enjoyment without huge investment.

I'm sure this is a decent game, but dont remind me of RPG's of yaw *shudder*

RTS elements in an RPG surely do nothing but improve it, because when it comes down to it, (computer)RPG's are less about "playing a role" and more about fighting, leveling, and repeating that a million times.

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I wish they'd dedicate their resources to getting us Tactics A2 quicker instead...

Fantastic interview Riley-san, hopefully we'll get something truly unique. Have had a look at Revenant just very briefly, does look pretty good - will definitely play through it when I have some time.

I agree with Darkflame most defitely, and even today it's very hard to find an RPG that goes beyond the comfort zone of collect, collect, stop bad guy from taking over the world/destroying the world/bumming a damsel in distress.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm looking forward to eventually get this title, but the extra cost of Square Enix DS games as opposed to regular games is somewhat prohibitive. Still though, hopefully I'll pick it up fairly soon.

Nice interview Raz.

I would love a sequel, the first one is awesome.

I'm a big fan of Revenant Wings. Whilst I loved Heroes of Mana, FFXII: RW really does expand on the RTS theme in a better way, mixing in lots of traditional RPG elements along the way. There's definitely room to branch off into a separate series, I reckon...

I'm kind of surprised it hasn't done too well in Europe, though. After FFIII did so well on DS I presumed it would do great. But sadly both it and Dragon Quest Monsters seem to have really underperformed Smilie

At least the makers of the game are interested in doing more with the RW formula, so fingers crossed we get more. It did sell over 500,000 units in Japan after all!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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