Sonic and Knuckles Rated for Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.03.2008 11

One of the Genesis/Mega Drive's epic platformers will be heading to the Virtual Console service.

According to GameFront, Sonic's classic 16-bit outing, Sonic and Knuckles, has been rated by the ERSB, joining the current trilogy of classic Sonic platformers.

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i have that for the mega drive, you can put old sonic game paks in the top, and do the levels with knucles on the old game pack. genius.

Echoes221 said:
i have that for the mega drive, you can put old sonic game paks in the top, and do the levels with knucles on the old game pack. genius.

Yeah, wonder whether or not that will be incorperated into the VC Games?

I damn well hope so, I've already got Sonic 3. Smilie

Yeah, it begs the question of how lock-on is supposed to work. If Nintendo are nice enough, they would let us download Sonic 3 & Knuckles for free if we already owned both games necessary. That would be a good deal.

If you already own Sonic 1, 2 and 3, then buy Sonic & Knuckles, you potentially buy 4 games for the price of one. This is assuming Blue Spheres would be included.

I can't be the only one who wants to play as Tails/Knuckles in Sonic 1 though. Smilie

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Don't forget Sonic 2 and Knuckles, we'd need that too. Smilie
This whole connectivity issue is probably the main reason S & K has taken so long to pop up.

Awesome news!

I've been wondering (for quite some time, actually) if the Sonic 2 & Knuckles or Sonic 3 & Knuckles combos would be possible on the VC. I think they'd probably have to release them separately if they do decide to release them (hopefully), but they'll probably charge us for them even though we would already own both Smilie (hopefully not).

Chance favors the prepared mind.

My guess is they're gonna be gits and skimp on the whole thing. :-s

Depends what sort of emulator Nintendo/Sega are using.

The emulation is game-specific as far as I understand, so its possible, just depends how easy/effort it takes to code. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Smells like cheese said:
My guess is they're gonna be gits and skimp on the whole thing. :-s
Yeah, to be honest I expect that too. Or they'll make you pay for them seperately.

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SuperLink said:
Smells like cheese said:
My guess is they're gonna be gits and skimp on the whole thing. :-s
Yeah, to be honest I expect that too. Or they'll make you pay for them seperately.

Yeah...they'll most likely just not bother. If they DO bother, I'll expect them to be free if you already own the other games...

*yawn* I\'ve got Mega Collection. No need.


( Edited 11.03.2008 02:52 by PK Mongoose )

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