Guitar Hero Goes on Tour on Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2008 8

The Australian Classification Board has recently rated the upcoming Guitar Hero for DS, reconfirming its existence.

According to Vooks, Guitar Hero on Tour has been listed for DS, rated G. The game is said to be in development by Red Octane, due to be published by Activision.

  • OLFC's Rating for Guitar Hero on Tour
  • Box art for Guitar Hero: On Tour

    Vicarious Visions







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    Guitar Hero on DS?

    It'll be rubbish. Mark my words.

    Smells like cheese said:
    Guitar Hero on DS?

    It'll be rubbish. Mark my words.

    My thoughts exactly.... no good speakers...
    also it will probably be to easy....Smilie

    This doesn't sound very promising!! lol

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    i'm excited for it. I want to know what the peripheral looks like. gonna be real interesting

    Well I'll need to see something first.

    k08lpfan said:
    i'm excited for it. I want to know what the peripheral looks like. gonna be real interesting

    your going to be using the touchscreen, wtf do u expect a bloody mini guitar? lmao

    iangennery said:
    k08lpfan said:
    i'm excited for it. I want to know what the peripheral looks like. gonna be real interesting

    your going to be using the touchscreen, wtf do u expect a bloody mini guitar? lmao

    No need to be like that towards him, there's a chance a peripheral could come out. Nothings been confirmed yet, although it probably will be the touchscreen that controls the game.

    I'm really enjoying the the Wii version and it will be cool to see what they can do with the DS version.

    If there's a peripheral I'd so buy that!!!
    Mini guitar ftw!!!!

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