Capcom: No Monster Hunter on Nintendo Wii till 2009

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2008 9

Capcom have revealed that any hopes for Monster Hunter this year on Wii are out the window.

The once Playstation 3 title won't be hitting retail according to a report on Live Wii. Capcom's Christian Svensson was recently asked for a release date, but responded "I'm not saying when...but 2008 it isn't" as a game "of this magnitude requires years of development."

Certainly good to see much care and attention for a potential winner on Wii.

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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Smilie (sorry no comment besides this)

Well at least we know they're not shitting on this game and just shoving waggle in.

From my prospective this is good news! I know we will have to wait a year longer but im sure the game will be better... and not just a MH with wii-mote action!!!

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This game will sell so much when it comes out in Japan. I have yet to play a Monster Hunter game myself.

No Avatar said:
From my prospective this is good news! I know we will have to wait a year longer but im sure the game will be better... and not just a MH with wii-mote action!!!

That\'s my thinking also. The more time in development the better. I am very happy that it wont come this year, the Wii needs a all out adventure game that oozes quality and Capcom will be able to to that well with time on their hands.

( Edited 08.03.2008 02:27 by Linkyshinks )

Hopefully the Wii will be a bit more established online by then.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I think thought this game would've been the start of pay 'n' play. guess not then. Anyway, great news, the more time that goes into this the better it'll be.

tiamat1990 said:
Well at least we know they're not shitting on this game and just shoving waggle in.

wanna bet? capcom will shovel it out and we all fucking know it, there only saying this cause there too fucking lazy to spend some time on it now.

Crumbley said:
Hopefully the Wii will be a bit more established online by then.
An online RPG needs voice chat...keyboard support works too...but fixed comments like in smash brothers sucks a bit.

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