Disgaea Confirmed for Nintendo DS & Mario Kart Wii Details

By Adam Riley 05.03.2008 15

The latest issue of Famitsu magazine has new information on various games, the first being official confirmation that Nippon Ichi is bringing out the first ever Nintendo version of its hit Strategy RPG franchise, Disgaea. Sadly there are no screenshots or details available yet, but we do know its roughly translated title is 'Disgaea DS: Prince of the Demon World and the Red Moon'.

Elsewhere, it has been revealed that in Mario Kart Wii players can choose between auto-drift or manual-drift, and will have a total of twenty-four characters, twelve of which were revealed in this issue. The list is as follows: Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Toad, Peach, Baby Mario, Baby Peach, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Green Koopa Trooper and Yoshi.

Finally, Link's Crossbow Training, complete with Wii Zapper, has been delayed until 1st May, most likely to avoid clashing with other big titles that are currently out, such as Wii Fit and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Perhaps Nintendo can take advantage of the renewed Zelda/Link interest by promoting this alongside Twilight Princess?

We shall have to wait and see...

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O.M.G! Disgaea finally on DS! Can't wait to see some screenshots.

24 characters in MK?!?! whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Good news all round, I just love Mario Kart and always wanted to play a game by Nippon Ichi. Win win.

OMG Disgaea on a non Sony platform, am i dreaming.....Well this is good news for me. Now i can finally get a handheld version of Disgaea

24 in Mario Kart Wii? That sounds awesome Smilie


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I though links crossbow training was out already? No wonder I couldn't see it anywhere in shops Smilie

I bought Links crossbow training from Argos. It came out last year.Smilie

Yeah, it was delayed in Japan due to the busy schedule there...I reckon it'll be a big hit, especially since RE: TUC and Ghost Squad have already built up a nice base for the Wii Zapper there.

As for Disgaea, I couldn't get into it on PSone because I didn't have time. Sticking it on DS is perfect for me, so I can dabble here and there when I have time!

Wonder if Sonic will be in Mario Kart?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

YES YES!!! I have been praying for Disgaea to appear on a Nintendo console forever! And on the DS?! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

I wonder if it is a new one or the first one maybe? I'd settle for a straight port of the first one really. Awesome, awesome game!

Sonic isn't part of Nintendo, but I forgot that he's been in two Nintendo games so it's possible but I doubt it will happen. He doesn't even need a Kart does he?

I can honestly say I'm more excited for Mario Kart Wii than I am about Smash.

Wow, oh wow! Disgaea on a Nintendo platform! Hell hath frozen over! Smilie Can't wait to hear more info on it. Smilie A Wii version would've been better, though. Nay, it would've been unstoppable! Smilie

And holy crap! 24 characters for Mario Kart Wii?! That's sick! Smilie Mario Kart Wii is looking like it's going to be soooooo freak'n amazing. *slobbers on keyboard* And I don't care what anyong says, Double Dash was A-W-E-S-O-M-E. AWESOME I SAY! Heathens... lol Smilie

A friend of mine bought me a Wii Zapper w/ Link's Crossbow Training and I must say I'm REALLY enjoying it. It's quite addicting and a fantastic little bonus. I'm amazed by how well it works.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Warning: Major Squeeage ahead.


Baby Mario AND Peach?!? What? No bloody babies!

That is the one thing I hate about the recent Mario Karts: babies.

Like wtf.

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