Arika has revealed new details and a hectic trailer of shooter Ketsui on DS. Recently, Ichiro Mihara, Vice President of Publisher Arika, discussed the project at an event last weekend. Previously only a tech demo had been shown off and no promises made that the game would come to retail, since after all the port of Cave's shmup was cancelled due to the lack of power the PlayStation 2 had.
Now, though, a versus mode has been uncovered, where players zoom through full stages, building up a "box score" lead over each other, then trying to hold that lead for three seconds.
There are also to be three difficulty settings included, the hardest of which will be an unlockable extra for those that complete the default standard. As Mihara states, the easy mode is designed to be "clearable for the young women office workers at (our) company."
No release date has yet been confirmed by Arika, but when Ketsui DS does arrive, it will come alongside a special DVD that contains footage of high-scoring gameplay from the arcade version of the game as a nice treat.
Check out the new trailer below (no sound):
Will this ever make it outside of Japan, though?