Capcom Bringing Resident Evil 0 To Wii - First Scan, Japan Only

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.02.2008 25

Update - First Scan

  • First Scan, Courtesy to Jeux-France
  • Also, the game is supposedly Japan Only:

    "Yes, this title exists… for Japan. There are no plans for a Western release for the title at this time. And now, I'll bet we see all sorts of complaints about that fact, after pages of outrage on that the title even exists with people telling us to 'go to Hell' or how we 'suck'. We simply can not win"
    Christian Svensson - Capcom

    Original Report

    An interesting snippet of information from this week's Famitsu confirms Capcom will be bringing Resident Evil 0 to Wii.

    Biohazard / Resident Evil 0

  • Release planned for Summer 2008
  • Production of a GameCube version port
  • Protagonists are Rebecca and Billy
  • Developed to play conveniently only with the Wii Remote in mind
  • A wise move or another "test" for Nintendo's Wii?

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    No comment at this time....
    I still think D3 should wake there asses up and bring oneechanbara R to wii's stateside.

    Hmm. Not good IMO - the Wii needs original titles - it's done well with Umbrella Chronicles, so imo this would be a bit of a step backward.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I enjoyed Resi4 controls on the Wii and since I have never played 0, this would be great.

    Err, I second that Oneechanbara R comment. On the subject of this topic, they will not need any more test games after Okami gets the success I think it will.

    They do not need more test games after all that they have released so far. It could turn out to be a great game but it shows a great degree of lack of commitment to Wii when they pursue ports.

    Oneechanbara R Wii

    ( Edited 27.02.2008 10:20 by Linkyshinks )


    Zero in Resi 4 style I wouldn't mind, the tank controls were the worst part of the original. Plus Zero is the only Mainstream Resident Evil game not to be ported yet, so I can see why they would.

    Aww maaan. No original games from Capcom again? Come on Capcom, you're better than that. Megaman on Wii plz.

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    Only the Wiimote?
    The first thing that came to mind was a point-and-click control-style. You click where you want to go, until you meet an enemy, where you aim to shoot him.

    I personally think this is a good idea, mostly because a lot of people never got to experience RE0 on the GC due to the console not being so popular.

    The Wii is selling like crazy so more people would be able to get to play RE0 this time around.

    I doubt I'll get it as I have it on GC, but for those that never got the chance, it's a decent move I think.

    Now if only they thought about releasing REmake...

    Hmm, don't know really. I think they'd be better off just bundling the old GC games together and selling them off at a reduced price "Classic" range.

    You can pretty easily pick up a copy of it on the cheap and play it on the GC part of the Wii.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    In order to get Okami onto Wii people had to scream, shout, bitch and petition Capcom.
    I just want to know who the people that asked for this game are. This was one of my less favourite Resi's next to Code Veronica & Gun Survivor. If they remade Resident Evil 2 with full 3D graphics and Re4's viewpoint, they would onto a clear winner.

    Meh... Resident Evil 0 was pretty good for GC... but not the best Resi game (excluding Resi 4!)

    Anyway I doubt I will buy this... if its just a port with Wii controls!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562


    A scan:


    This is whats been got out of it so far;

    - Summer 2008 in Japan
    - Wiimake that �controls like RE4: Wii Edition' (!!)

    Relatively soon and with Resi4 control? I\'m happy with that. Smilie

    Edit: Hold on, info might be wrong...

    ( Edited 27.02.2008 16:00 by Phoenixus )

    Hmm, I like the little headshot artwork of Rebecca and Billy in that scan XD

    I think what would be awesome though is if they made the game 2 player. I think Zero would have worked well with 2 players and you'd have to communicate a lot which would make the game fun.

    alot of ppl missed out on res 0 so if they really make the game play like res evil 4 then it will be one i want

    Its not like RE0 is a crap game.

    -Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

    Lol, it'll definitely be just a port of the GC game. With GC graphics. Lol. The Wii becomes more and more essential with every passing day- it gets games that I've already bested, and weren't that great to begin with anyway. RE0 is probably the worst RE in the main series.

    Oni-Ninja said:
    Lol, it'll definitely be just a port of the GC game. With GC graphics. Lol. The Wii becomes more and more essential with every passing day- it gets games that I've already bested, and weren't that great to begin with anyway. RE0 is probably the worst RE in the main series.

    No...that honor goes to the Resident evil outbreak series and gaiden

    Confirmed - Japan only, updated with first scan above Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Oni said in the main series. Those were spin offs and wastes of time and crap like you said.
    It's not that Zer0 was crap, it's just wasn't particulary good and the character zapping became bothersome to keep switching around. Also how would you move the partner out of the way without the extra thumbstick?
    This also is the type of game the wii-mote should be used for. Point and click style is the only way i see this working with the fixed camera.

    So what if there is ports, you don't have to buy them, in fact I encourage you not to.

    "Yes, this title exists� for Japan. There are no plans for a Western release for the title at this time. And now, I�ll bet we see all sorts of complaints about that fact, after pages of outrage on that the title even exists with people telling us to 'go to Hell' or how we 'suck'. We simply can not win"
    Christian Svensson - Capcom

    Really unsurprising though. Resi Zero was hardly great to begin with, and if you aren't making changes to the flawed team-up feature Capcom, the game will be no better on Wii.
    Oh, and you can win, just give Wii owners original efforts like Zack and Wiki, and if we have to have ports, then make them at the higher end of the spectrum (Okami), rather than direct gamecube ports.Smilie

    RE4 controls? Im there!

    My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley
    Guest 28.02.2008#24

    Might as well do the entire sieries while they're at itSmilie, it'd make ore sense than letting out random ones from the series.

    linkman26 said:
    Oni-Ninja said:
    RE0 is probably the worst RE in the main series.

    No...that honor goes to the Resident evil outbreak series and gaiden

    Oni-Ninja said:
    RE0 is probably the worst RE in the main series.

    Phoenixus said:
    Oh, and you can win, just give Wii owners original efforts like Zack and Wiki, and if we have to have ports, then make them at the higher end of the spectrum (Okami), rather than direct gamecube ports.Smilie

    How do you mean 'higher-end ports'? As in better games? If so, fair point. If you mean better handled ports, such as upgraded visuals etc, then Okami was not a good citation, as it's essentially a direct PS2 port, merely with added 16:9, and prog scan. Viewed on a 4:3 telly with no prog scan support, the Wii and PS2 versions will look identical, except for the missing 'rice paper' filter, and a bit of extra pop-up on Wii.

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