Bioware Reveal More on Sonic Chronicles

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.02.2008 9

The upcoming issue of NGamer reveals various tidbits on the Bioware-developed Sonic RPG, The Dark Brotherhood.

  • Players use the stylus for character control and selection, pointing and clicking where they want Sonic and co to move to.
  • Darker/deeper themes compared to past Sonic storylines, though more linear than Bioware's other titles.
  • Each character has unique abilities to solve puzzles designed for their strong and weak traits. For example, Tails for flying, Sonic for speed sections etc.
  • Similar combat to the Mario & Luigi titles, menu-based and context-sensitive play.
  • Thanks to CVG.

    Box art for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood





    Turn Based RPG



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    Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (6 Votes)

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    ...though more linear than Bioware\'s other titles.

    Haha I wonder what factor of the game means that it\'s more linear than stuff like Jade Empire, Mass Effect... Smilie

    I was talking about the fact that it\'s a DS title btw...

    ( Edited 26.02.2008 00:18 by dojo )

    KOTOR was really linear though... and slow too...

    Aww maaan.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Nothing wrong with liner.
    Eternal Darkness and Prince of PersiaSmilieands of Time are too completely liner, yet completely and utterly fantasic games.

    "Similar combat to the Mario & Luigi titles"

    good sign.

    "Players use the stylus for character control and selection, pointing and clicking where they want Sonic and co to move to."

    Hmz, sounds like most pc rpg's.

    Phantom Hourglass would been a better template. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    It sounds pretty exciting... I hope they have chaos in it. I played Adventure Battle 2 forever for my Chao

    Darkflame said:
    Nothing wrong with liner.
    Eternal Darkness and Prince of PersiaSmilieands of Time are too completely liner, yet completely and utterly fantasic games.

    Ah, touch�.

    "Players use the stylus for character control and selection, pointing and clicking where they want Sonic and co to move to."

    Hmz, sounds like most pc rpg's.

    Phantom Hourglass would been a better template.

    To be honest, point and click is too vague, for all we know, it COULD mean Phantom Hourglass style control. Meh, you're probably right. Sounds weird.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    This is one of these games that until i've played it myself I really wouldn't want to make any predictions about.

    Hopefully they will use the PH template which was undeniably brilliant. But we will leave that to Bioware.

    Whatever they do, I hope this turns out great. About time Sonic had a proper return to form (Brawl doesn't count, he only makes a cameo), even if it isn't in his signature series.Smilie

    Sonic's always been on form on the handhelds.
    [/I love sonic rush]

    Sonic & The Secret Rings is underrated too, but has plenty of problems.
    The recent "STH" game as dire though. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    SatSR was definitely a breath of fresh air, it's actually one of my most played Wii games.

    I'd really like them to make a sequel, improving on the errors etc.

    And Sonic Rush is awesome. Smilie

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