Kobayashi says no to Devil May Cry Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.02.2008 19

Capcom's Devil May Cry will not be heading to Wii, according to producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi.

There are various non-Wii games that owners feel would make work on the console, including Capcom's Devil May Cry.

According to Kotaku, at this year's GDC the fella complete shot down chances of a Wii version of Devil May Cry 4.

You know, a lot of people ask us if we are going to bring out a Wii version. I simply don't think you can make the game the type of game it is, with the awesome graphics and control -- I don't think that would work on the Wii. So, I don't think we're going to bring one out, no.

With the fourth installment not heading to Wii, could a side-story or Wii-exclusive Devil May Cry be considered in the future?

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I'd love to see Devil May Cry on Wii. Probably something more in the vein of Dragon Blade, only ten times better.

People were actually wanting a port of this?

A spin off? Yes. A port? No.

Neither? yes.

Give us more stuff like Zack and Wiki, and things made from the groun up for Wii.

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Riiiiight...so it's fine for Capcom to do DMC on mobiles, but it won't do a version on Wii. That's just plain stupid if you ask me Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I simply don't think you can make the game the type of game it is, with the awesome graphics[on the Wii]

Devil May Cry 1 - 3 on PS2 do not exist confirmed. Smilie

( Edited 23.02.2008 18:09 by Mason )

I too have noticed this. Games which, have had loads of sequels on PS2 now would no longer be good on Wii because it doesnt have the same graphic capabilities. Sequels are just sloppy of late. The only real advancement is how many polygons the titles can push. They should take a leaf from the Ninja Gaiden DS game. It overhauls the controls for that genre and addresses the graphics of the system in an intelligent way to producing something different.

You know, a lot of people ask us if we are going to bring out a Wii version. I simply don't think you can make the game the type of game it is, with the awesome graphics and control -- I don't think that would work on the Wii. So, I don't think we're going to bring one out, no.

The Wii, like the GC and Xbox before it, has far better graphicall capabilities than the PS2. So it is like he's saying DMC1-3 don't exist. and if he's worried about control, he can use something like NMH uses, the A button for slashes or the B button for shooting. Then for more powerful moves use the Wiimote motion controls. but then maybe it's because the Wii doesn't have the same graphical level as the PS3 or 360.

But then i guess he thinks that the Wii still has too much of a casual audience to buy a DMC game.

( Edited 24.02.2008 00:31 by Stulaw90 )

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Even though Wii will be successful without Capcom, Capcom can't be successful without Wii. It took 2 HD consoles to make DMC4 match the sales of Resi4 on Wii.

Capcom will go bust if they don't support Wii.

But who cares Wii have Square Enix and many more.

There wouldn't be much point in making it for the Wii. Most of the people who want it own a 360/PS3 anyway. As to regarding the mobile version: 1. Comparing mobile and console is stupid 2. It was probably not even made by remotely the same team 3. It's not DMC4, it's DMC2.

Is it really still hard for Wii owners to see why developers don't want to take a game they've slaved over and remove half the stuff to get it running on the Wii? Would YOU want to?

Nah not the downsize of 360 engine, but probably a spin-off using a beefed up DMC3 engine.

Why is it that whenever a big game is released the first question people ask is will there be a Wii version in the future?

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Why is it that whenever a big game is released the first question people ask is will there be a Wii version in the future?

Because it's the console that most people own this generation and would therefore make financial sense, but it's also the weakest console this generation which would lead to compromise on a visual front, which is an interesting contrast. If an interview asks a question like this they're practically guaranteeing coverage for their work, too, as a confirmation of interest will set people talking about it, and so will somebody completely disregarding the idea.

knighty said:

Is it really still hard for Wii owners to see why developers don't want to take a game they've slaved over and remove half the stuff to get it running on the Wii? Would YOU want to?

I'm not sure people would so much want a version of Devil May Cry 4 on Wii - I think it's more about wanting just something from the franchise, a spin-off perhaps.

Mason and Jesusraz nail it for me: That's why the answer from Kobayashi-san actually doesn't make sense.
All these games and consoles only work in terms of graphics. Technically DMC4 is no more then DMC1.
Wii owners recognize these facts, because most of them aren't considering graphics as a cover-up for no-evolution.
It wouldn't be too hard to pimp graphics output of DMC3 up to match Wii's possibilities(!) and do a decent and great game, without too expensive a production.

I like DMC - a lot. But it didn't evolve at all from part 1, ecxept in graphics to part 4. Even Resident Evil did and looks fresh and young. If you strip DMC to it's gameplay, then it's old. Old but a bit timeless. It would work on Wii, too, but not with the points they emphasize with DMC4 - graphics only.

It would reveal a lot of games to be so-so.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Who cares? I got DMC4 on Ps3 and realised it was over hyped. ANd he is right DMC4 will never each wii, but DMC: The Legend of Spin-of should Smilie

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley


You know, a lot of people ask us if we are going to bring out a Wii version. I simply don't think you can make the game the type of game it is, with the awesome graphics and control -- I don't think that would work on the Wii. So, I don't think we're going to bring one out, no.


Only by hiding behind shiny new graphics can I con the game buying public into thinking that I've done anything other than make the same game for the fourth time.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."
Guest 25.02.2008#18

the first one ruled, and it used a weaker version of the engine to DMC3, so graphics don't make DMC better, just remake the first one or something along those lines but do a resi 4 and beef the game up with little extras (but for the love of god no crappy minigames). We allready sorted out control systems, the rest is fairly easy, the storyline is solid (albeit a bit short) and the game could easily get improved graphics.

There we go Capcom, now you have no choice, and if you could please add GC/ Classic controler control schemes, for the sake of humanity and dante ruling add tthem

DMC will never happen on Wii. Nor should it. Nuff said Smilie

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

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