Capcom's Devil May Cry will not be heading to Wii, according to producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi.
There are various non-Wii games that owners feel would make work on the console, including Capcom's Devil May Cry.
According to Kotaku, at this year's GDC the fella complete shot down chances of a Wii version of Devil May Cry 4.
You know, a lot of people ask us if we are going to bring out a Wii version. I simply don't think you can make the game the type of game it is, with the awesome graphics and control -- I don't think that would work on the Wii. So, I don't think we're going to bring one out, no.
With the fourth installment not heading to Wii, could a side-story or Wii-exclusive Devil May Cry be considered in the future?