Umbrella Chronicles on Nintendo Wii Nears Million Worldwide

By Adam Riley 06.02.2008 6

Capcom's Wii-exclusive version of Resident Evil 4 went on to easily surpass the company's 420,000 worldwide units total target and now Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles has also zoomed way passed its set target, according to Capcom's latest financial report.

Below is a direct quote from the report:

"Regarding Home Video Games segment, "Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles" (for Wii), which is the latest title of the series, achieved robust sales particularly in the US and Europe. The popularity of this title helped to make a favorable start in year-end sales.

Additionally, "Monster Hunter Freedom 2", which was released in February 2007, joined the lineup of Capcom's long-selling products achieving sales of over 1.5 million copies in Japan. "Monster Hunter Freedom 2" is the first title to achieve these record sales among those developed for PlayStation Portable.

In this business segment, "Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles" (for Wii), one of our flagship titles, made a strong showing. "Zack&Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure" (for Wii) and "Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes" (for Wii, PlayStation 2) also grew steadily.

"WE LOVE GOLF!" (for Wii) and "Mega Man Star Force 2" (for Nintendo DS) saw sluggish growth."

Whilst firm numbers were not given for We Love Golf and Mega Man Star Force 2, clearly both will be seen as big disappointments. However, both games have yet to see the light of day in the West and could reverse fortunes when they do arrive.

As for the slow-burner puzzle adventure, Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (review here, it has so far accrued 300,000 unit sales across the world, whilst The Umbrella Chronicles has sailed passed its 620,000 unit target to reach 950,000 sales before the financial year is even over! With such a strong performance, it is no wonder popular rumour-monger Surfer Girl is currently stating a sequel to the on-rails shooter is already underway and will be vastly improved. Could the leaked retailer list that showed Zack & Wiki 2 coming have actually been real as well? Since the Director, Takeshita-san, would like to expand on the game, possibly even into DS waters, these strong sales that do not include the European or Australian figures, certainly bode well for fans of the Wii title.

So what are your thoughts on the above, especially given how no Resident Evil shooter has even broken a million worldwide? Be sure to let us know by posting below...

Box art for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles





First Person Shooter



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Those are actually pretty good sales for Zach and Wiki I think - considering how unpromoted and understocked it was.

And even though Umbrella Chronicles was supposedly a bit mediocre, I'm glad it has sold well. And when held in the light of the good sales of the RE4 remake, shows that there is a good market on the Wii for the Resi series, and core games in general.

Great news! Hopefully a Z-Dub sequel is really in the works. But I'd rather see it on Wii than on the DS. The sound and graphics are some of the best on Wii and a sequel could even improve them.
I never played REUC, I might rent it just to see how good it is (I'm waiting for House of the Dead Return)

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300,000 for Zack and Wiki worldwide isn't too bad I guess...

Jacob4000 said:
And even though Umbrella Chronicles was supposedly a bit mediocre, I'm glad it has sold well. And when held in the light of the good sales of the RE4 remake, shows that there is a good market on the Wii for the Resi series, and core games in general.

Yes, exactly. And Umbrella has great graphics methinks. Capcom releases core games and delivers a satisfying base from which good Wii games should emerge.

tiamat1990 said:
300,000 for Zack and Wiki worldwide isn't too bad I guess...

minus numbers of Europe and Australia, no? I think it sold poor in Europe, because we don't even recognize a great new game if it said on our head. I own it. Great! wonderful crude humour and the Japanese 'Zack-u' spoken by Wiki is great!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Now go and make a proper Resident Evil game you nubs.

Umbrella Chronicles is a great game, I like using two remotes to dual weild (sort of). Hopefully this means we'll get a proper resi game.

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