EA Brings New Boxing IP to Wii

By Ben 03.02.2008 11

EA recently announced through a press release that it's bringing a new boxing game to the Wii and other consoles. Also owners of the Fight Night franchise, they'd have to be bonkers to make another realistic, licensed boxing game. So they haven't. They've gone down the road of "larger-than-life" characters and completely imaginary locations.

From the press release:

FaceBreaker reinvigorates one of the great genres in sports videogames. Arcade boxing takes me back to my roots in this industry, and this game signals our shift to adding more approachable fun to our product lineup. In no time at all, you'll be picking up the controllers and knocking your opponent around the ring, smashing faces, and having a riot.


The renaissance of the arcade boxing genre is upon us. Created by the same team that developed the award-winning Fight Night Round 3, FaceBreaker offers irreverent fun, immersive gameplay and eye-popping stylized graphics. In this in-your-face, arcade world full of ego-wielding characters, each boxer comes to life with unique attributes and distinct personal style, including Romeo, a Latin lover known for his pelvic thrusts, and Molotov, an oversized Russian demolitions expert with a penchant for fighting dirty.

Laugh out loud as you pummel your opponent with a barrage of blows to the face and watch in satisfaction as your progress is illustrated by real-time facial deformation. With haymakers, face shots and body blows, wait for the right moment to drop a super punch to make your presence known. Taunt your adversaries and flaunt your talent, by tying one hand behind your back to add ultimate humiliation to your bout. In FaceBreaker, it just feels good to rearrange your opponent's face.

One can assume that the Wii specific version of the game will utilise its waggling features to the fullest, as with some of EA's other Wii games, and whilst no specific release date has been mentioned, we can expect to see this on shelves by the end of the year.

Box art for FaceBreaker K.O. Party

EA Canada







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Heh, looks pretty nuts.

I remember one that looked identical that was done on GC and co years ago.......

Black 'n' Bruised, that's it!

( Edited 03.02.2008 03:34 by RyanT )


New IP

No, you've lost me.

Still looks like it could be alright, as long as it's a little more refined than Wii Boxing's flail arms style of play.

I guess this means no actual Fight Night, still this looks like it could be good.

With this and Ready to Rumble 3 on the way, I'll be punching a few faces before long,(WITHOUT dodgy controls, you hear me Wii Sports Boxing? WITHOUT.)Smilie

( Edited 03.02.2008 14:15 by PhoenixuS )

I thought 'EA'? 'New IP'? 'Boxing???' Screw it!
But then I watched - being a rather silly nosy Elf (hey, my Avatar is one, so...) and thought 'Hey, rather nice graphics!'
It's EA and Boxing, it doesn't concern me and I found Wii Sports Boxing rather unenjoyable, but graphics look good! I watch this game with an interesting eye...!
(Oh my, I'm watching too much old BBC crime series like Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes and the like lateley. I am talking like an old spinster!)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Blade2t3 said:
Heh, looks pretty nuts.

Heh, looks pretty ghey.

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

Oh ok...maybe this will turn out to be goodSmilie

who knows...

..Simple and Clean..

I reckon that this will be a great game, unless the controls don't work at all it'll better than Wii sports boxing(ok thats a bit harsh) all that really have to do is make sure is that you can do hooks and upper cuts properly, instead of them happening randomly by luck, the Jabs and dodging work fine on Wii sports boxing so theywon't need to work much on them.

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Guest 04.02.2008#10

it reminds me of team Fortress 2, the graphic look pretty much the dame. This is the second time EA have used that visual style, they're using it in another game still in production apparently

Laurelin said:

(Oh my, I'm watching too much old BBC crime series like Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes and the like lateley. I am talking like an old spinster!)

Pft, Miss Marple sucks. Poirot FTW.

FaceBreaker? Smilie What an awesome name...

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