Awesome interview. You got so much info from him. I'm glad he says a Tales game could come to the VC. This DS game truly has some outstanding production values that make want to buy the game on day one.
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Baba-san had to leave out a few questions, but he still gave up a lot of useful info, so I was pleased with the article overall.
As for its release in the West, Bandai Namco appreciates all your comments, so be sure to read the preview (linked to in the article) and share your feedback. You are being watched, so be sure to let them know you want this translated.
Would be cool to see something Tales related on WiiWare, definitely. And we already know there will be another DS game since the DS has been made the main platform for the series...
I would find it stupid if they didn't translate it and release it to the West, look how well ToS did. Now that the DS has sold extremely well all over the world, ToI could do very well indeed.
I'm pleased that he acknowledges how popular Symphonia was here in Europe, although when he says 'one of the most popular' I think he means 'most popular'...after all, Phantasia on GBA bombed, and the PSP duo of Eternia and Radiant Mythology failed to set the charts on fire either. Other than that, there have been NO other Tales in Europe, so Symphonia still reigns supreme. Phantasia only did badly because it took 2.5 years to come from Japan to Europe and wasn't promoted by Nintendo in the slightest!
If they hurry up with Innocence it could beat FFIV to the market here and really take advantage of the RPG loving DS crowd. Bandai Namco needs to act fast...
It definitely could. Too bad Namco take so long releasing their Tale games to the West.
I would love to see a Wiiware project from them, so far we have seen many different projects from other developers and Namco could certainly work something out.
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