Nintendo Wii Media | First SEGA Superstar Tennis Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2008 13

Box art for SEGA Superstars Tennis








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Nice trailer.

I just hope it turns out to be a good game.

Wow, never thought I would see Samba playing in a Tennis game.

This is for me is SEGA doing something Nintendo are fond of doing, and are good at doing. SEGA is in serious financial difficulty right now, maybe they think a title with so many of their beloved characters will do better by appealing to more of the fans Smilie.

I know the game will be good since it's using the same engine as virtua tennis 3. Plus ONM said it played good when they played it.

Anyway, the trailer doesn't give much away but i'm sure there'll be more characters.

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I thought SEGA were alright financially at the moment? There's certainly no shortage of games coming from them so they can't be short of a few bob.

They're certainly stable, nowhere near anything like the trouble people like SCi or Atari US are in. They just need a few more big hits quite badly. They've already had one since the last financial results; Mario & Sonic - which probably cost about

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Mason said:
I thought SEGA were alright financially at the moment? Theres certainly no shortage of games coming from them so they cant be short of a few bob.

They reported huge losses at the last time they disclosed, they were pretty darn bad. I cannot remember the exact figure but it did shock me.

Hm, I can see this being 'Sonic Tennis' with a smattering of other more unpopular Sega characters. I'm sure many fans will love the addition of the likes of Samba and NiGHTS, but there'll be lots of people out there with no clue who most of these characters are. I bet more than half of the characters will be from Sonic, anyway. Smilie

Certainly seems to be taking a leaf from Nintendo's book, I just hope they do it right. Sega have been slipping a lot recently...

I spotted a Chao at the end. I wonder if the tennis ball can be switched?Smilie

There's an Outrun stage, with Flagman as the umpire!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

looks ok. hope it has online and voice chat, otherwise i'll wont buy it.

it probly wont have voice chat. voicechat hasnt even been released yet,and even when it is released,it will be included in first party games only for a few months following its release. great trailer though,i'll look into the wii version for sure.

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I think this game will be great for the first Voice Chat enabled game.

The game looks decent but thats just the FMV, actual gameplay will probably have the final say.

BEAT!!! Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

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