Nintendo News | March Release for Pro Evo 2008 Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.01.2008 6

Konami have confirmed a March 2008 release for the much anticipated Wii version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, complete with a unique way of getting some ball action.

  • Users a point and drag system to guide the controlling player, and perform the skills and control using their hand, select players to pass to and so on.
  • Nunchuck used for sliding tackles, and sending out the goalie to sort out oncoming attacks.
  • The game features 6 modes - spanning Match, League and Cup elements, and Training and Trade section. Champions Road also features a global team where players compete in competitions all over the world, receiving players from defeated sides.
  • Players can boost their skills using Exp points for their team after each match, working with attack, technique and stamina.
  • Mini-tasks break up the matches during the mode, for example: scoring a hat-trick, and succeeding allows the player to add higher-rated players to their team.
  • Mii support allows up to 16 pre-defined Miis into a team, while the ever-changing teams can be stored on to the Wii Remote and switched between two linked Remotes.
  • For fans of online footy, PES 2008 also has a strong online element, allowing users to play public and friend matches, with team data available through Wiiconnect 24.

    "It was vital that the Wii version of PES 2008 made full use of the hardware's innovative control system, and we are extremely pleased with what the team has come up with," commented Jon Murphy, Pro Evolution Soccer Team Leader. "It feels as if you have total control over the entire team and the use of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to both implement moves and send players into space or off to make runs is remarkably intuitive. It adds a new layer of realism, and makes this Wii version an essential PES experience."

    Thanks to C3 reader Squeek for the tip.

    Be sure to stick around for updates...

  • Box art for Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
    Also known as

    Winning Eleven Play Maker 2008









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    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Is there any confirmation that this is the UK/Europe release date? Just asking because I presumed it was as the PR company was in UK, but another website listed this date under US and the Japan/Europe as TBA.

    Japan gets this game next month and Europe is, from what I last heard, March.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Looking forward to reading reviews on this.

    Sounds promising, because not only does it cover Wii controller quite well, but with Mii-Support and online it seems that it covers all ov Wii's good assets. Because of missing FIFA-license (or is it only missing German Football league's DFB license), Mii-support can add some uniqueness and covers this often missed feature (at least missed by fans. I don't care at all!).

    I wonder how good it plays, keen on reading reviews, too!

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    This news is really good, although, i'm wondering if I should Just wait for PES2009, i reckon it'll come out in october/november of this year on the wii as well as other consoles.

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
    NNID: Stulaw

    The game sounds awesome, I am glad it's on it's way in March Smilie

    IGN Hands On Preview-

    The controls trailer:

    ( Edited on 22.01.2008 06:27 by Linkyshinks )

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