Nintendo DS News | Dragon Quest Monsters for March in Europe

By Adam Riley 10.01.2008 4

Square Enix has today confirmed that the eagerly awaited Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker will launch across all PAL territories on 14th March 2008 exclusively on the Nintendo DS.

"Have you got what it takes to fight your way to the top with a team of the meanest monsters? DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS: Joker provides the ultimate monster-hunting challenge with over 200 marauding monsters to collect and battle. Train your team to be the best by mastering countless spells and abilities, and crush all who stand in your way. You can also synthesise amazing new monsters that can develop rare new abilities. DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS: Joker is not just about battling though. There's a colourful 3D world full of treasures and surprises to explore. On your travels you'll meet a cast of quirky characters that can help you make it to the top. There's fun to be had in multiplayer and online use too. Challenge your friends and their monster teams with DS Wireless Communication, or compete against players from North America and PAL territories in the Wildcard World Cup, via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection."

"After the great success of DRAGON QUEST since we introduced the series to Europe, I am extremely happy that we are now giving fans the opportunity to enjoy DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS: Joker on the Nintendo DS. This is another stylish entry in the DRAGON QUEST series that will bring enjoyment to anybody that plays it."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.


Welcome to Green Bays, a cluster of mysterious islands that sparkle like jewels in the shimmering ocean. But travellers beware! The islands are not as peaceful as they seem, for they teem with a multitude of monsters both great and small. Green Bays is also home to the famous Monster Scout Challenge. This renowned contest, held once every few years, determines who will be crowned the world's greatest scout. The challenge is organised by the Monster Scout Organisation, whose headquarters are located on Domus Isle, which lies at the centre of the archipelago. Now a new challenge is about to begin, and the cr

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I am more inclined to play this than a Pokemon game, I have yet to play one of those yet. Some girl I know has been recommending me this for ages, still I doubt I will get it what with Ninja Gaiden DS coming out in the same month in Japan. That will be a priority import Smilie

( Edited on 10.01.2008 20:09 by Linkyshinks )

Sweet! Might be one to look out for. Has taken so bloody long to get here though, seesh!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I've been waiting for this game for age. It looks awsome and i'm sure it is awsome.

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Got it. Its okay. Harder than pokemon. The story is quite long to get into because at 1st you have to collect these ten stone things. Ive had it since last year and only have four stones. I like it but alot but still i prefer the pokemon formula better. awesome graphics though

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