Nintendo News | Another Korean Developer Interested in DS

By Adam Riley 08.01.2008 3

Again over at the G-Star event from late last year (as with the Korean Wii Dancing story from earlier today), an interview took place with Com2Us's President, Ji Young Park, in which it was revealed that the company is definitely very interested in working on something for DS. To start with, here is a little of the company's history, courtesy of Ji Young Park:

"The company was founded in 1998. At first, we were not a mobile game company, but we started developing mobile games since '99. We were the first company who started to service mobile games in Korea. Certainly at the time, it's a really early stage. Few Japanese and Korean companies try to service mobile games. We were one of the first companies to develop Java games for the phone, and the game was showed when Sun Microsystems introduced the Java system. We now license mobile games in Korea, and we also are servicing our games through our global network over employee carriers. Also our game library is almost over 80 titles, over eight years. We're now focusing on making the handset to a real game platform, so we make the creative titles designed for handsets. Even though users download mobile games, they can play over three hours. If they want to keep those games on the handset for whenever they want to play it, they can play it. Last year, we launched a mobile MMORPG. Many people log on through the mobile and play with each other."

And then, when asked directly if the company had any interest in developing for handheld consoles like the DS just as Nexon is doing with MapleStory, Park said "Yeah. We are interested in them. But before entering the market, we need to do some projects. Each platform has a difference, so we think we need some experience. We will try something, and then for serious after that we enter seriously. It will be in two years." And it seems that some developers in Korea are still apprehensive of Nintendo's formats, since they "feel that Nintendo has a more closed environment for developers." However, with Satoru Iwata striving to change that image, perhaps more developers will be convinced soon enough.

Stick around for further updates...

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Setting up that office was really a good move on Nintendo's part.

What office??

tiamat1990 said:
What office??

Nintendo have invested in creating development workshops there, they are financing projects they deem worthy. It's all very unclear exactly what they are doing and how they do it but it seems like they are doing something good with the future in mind.

There is a great deal of talent there and they expect that talent to get on board one day.

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