Nintendo News | Ubisoft Dates Nitrobike, Brothers in Arms Wii and More for Europe

By Adam Riley 08.01.2008 6

Ubisoft UK has just sent Cubed3 the latest release dates for European Wii and Nintendo DS games, showing that certain titles have been pushed back slightly, such as Nitrobike, CSI and Brothers in Arms on Wii. Check out the list below:

  • Nitrobike (Wii) - 8th February
  • Telly Addicts (Wii) - February
  • Totally Spies! 3: Secret Agents (NDS) - 15th February
  • Totally Spies! Totally Party (Wii) - 15th February
  • Brain Challenge (NDS) - February
  • Tigerz (NDS) - February
  • Miami Nights (NDS) - February
  • CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Hard Evidence (Wii) - 14th March
  • Victorious Boxers Challenge (Wii) - 7th March
  • Pet Shop (NDS) - March
  • Figure Skating (NDS) - March
  • Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (Wii) - March
Stick around for further updates here on Cubed3

Box art for Nitrobike

Left Field Productions







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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"Wow that list is amazing!"

Shame the above statement is false.

I'm most looking forward to "Tigerz".


Brothers In Arms?? MARCH!! They're not spending their time on it. Fail.

I hope these pushbacks are used for making the games better in any way like checking for Bugs, digging up great graphics oder including hand drawn weapon schemes and bike posters.

And seriously: almost no interesting game beside Nitrobike (I want to buy this, actually!) and BiA - that I won't buy.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
I hope these pushbacks are used for making the games better in any way like checking for Bugs, digging up great graphics oder including hand drawn weapon schemes and bike posters.And seriously: almost no interesting game beside Nitrobike (I want to buy this, actually!) and BiA - that I wont buy.

NitroBike is rubbish Christian, I have just seen a preview and even in that they imply the gesture controls are unresponsive and crap.

Tigerz... what the hel.

I personally want Totally Spies though.

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