Nintendo News | Majesco Announces Our House for Wii

By Ben 07.01.2008 5

Via a press release, Majesco Europe has just announced a brand new game exclusively for Wii, entitled Our House. Developed by Budcat Creations (who have previously worked on hidden gems like Medal of Honor: Vanguard and the PS1 and GBA Madden games), Our House will be the "only game that lets you build or remodel your home and turn it into a unique creation!".

Here's a snippet from the press release:

If you can dream it, you can build it as Majesco Entertainment Company, an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, today announced Our House for the Wii

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Wonder if it'll have Mii support too?

Does it have MADNESS music? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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MADNESS, that was actually the first thing that came in to my head when I saw the title. Sounds like Mysims only with just house building.

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I think that's what everyone thought when they first learned of this game's existence. If they market it (which I doubt, for some reason), they really need to license that song for it. It'd sell by the bucketload, I know.

Just like those fish fingers.

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