received word that the product will launch here in Q2 2008, complete with camera and special stand. Stick around for further updates..." /> News: Nintendo DS News | Face Training Hitting Europe in Q2 2008? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo DS News | Face Training Hitting Europe in Q2 2008?

By Adam Riley 07.01.2008 6

Quick News - Following Nintendo's event late last year in the UK that revealed the Intelligent Systems-developed Face Training was coming to Europe, French site Jeuxactu has received word that the product will launch here in Q2 2008, complete with camera and special stand.

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for Face Training: Facial Exercises to Strengthen and Relax from Fumiko Inudo

Intelligent Systems







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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Face Training!?? Smilie
Anyone wanna explain how you can train your face exactly?

Can't wait to train my faceSmilie

( Edited on 07.01.2008 19:56 by L )

wont work on mine, probably break the camera, and both screens XP,
how many years ofbad luck would that be?

.....When will it end

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I'm pretty sure I need this to help me smile.

The promotional video is hilarious but I could not find it. It was around 10 mins long I recall.

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