Nintendo News | Race Driver Beats Off Stiff Competition

By Adam Riley 04.01.2008 2

The Firebrand Games-developed Nintendo DS hit, Race Driver: Create & Race, published by Codemasters, has been awarded the Best DS Driving/Racing game of 2007 in the IGN annual awards.

The critically acclaimed racing title, which scored a much-deserved 9/10 right here on Cubed3, beat off stiff competition from the painfully average Need For Speed ProStreet, moderately fun Diddy Kong Racing and so-so Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights to be crowned Best Driving/Racing Game of 2007 for the Nintendo DS.

"We are extremely confident in our racing game engine and we're sure that the features that we crammed into Race Driver: Create & Race would set the title as one of the best of 2007. We're very proud to receive this award from IGN and it's of great credit to our Scottish Team that they developed the IGN rated Best DS Racing Game of 2007."
- Mark Greenshields, CEO of Firebrand Games.

"Race Driver: Create and Race brought a console level experience to the handheld market. The game is a fun arcade-style racing game that boasts an impressive amount of features, both online and off. The customizing features add a creative element not seen in other racers and the production value is some of the best we've seen. Race Driver shows just how polished a third-party game can be, and other racers may have a hard time competing."
- IGN's Best of 2007 statement.

Launched in September 2007, Race Driver: Create & Race gives players control over 20 of the fastest racing cards on the planet and unleashes them on 30 of the most-exciting official race circuits. What really sets Race Driver: Create & Race aside is the unique and intuitive track designer which gives players a chance to design and share their very own race tracks using the Nintendo DS stylus. The game also was recognised as a runner-up in the IGN 2007 Best Graphics technology and Best Online Multi-Player game categories.

Do not forget to check out C3's exclusive interview with Pete Shea at Firebrand Games, Creative Director of the Race Driver DS project. Considering it was accidentally mentioned that Race Driver 2 will be coming later this year it is hoped that the follow-up will sell better than the brilliant first DS effort. Also, with work on Wii projects already underway, it would be safe to presume that further success will likely see Race Driver heading in that direction as well. Here's hoping, anyway!

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for Race Driver: Create & Race








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It's track designer is quite fun, I can never ever find anyone online with it though.

Sadly ditching the 'TOCA' branding meant people ignored it. Truly brilliant racing experience that shows the DS can play with the big boys if handled properly.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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