Nintendo Wii News | Harvest Moon Hits Euro Virtual Console

By Adam Riley 04.01.2008 15

The latest update has now hit the European Virtual Console retro download service for Wii, with just one title bringing in the New Year: Harvest Moon from the SNES.

"Start the new year in style as classic title Harvest Moon becomes the first virtual console title of 2008! First released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1998, Harvest Moon tasks players to make the most of farming life by sowing seeds, milking cows and herding sheep to develop their precious land. Players will have to balance their physical resources, being careful not to tire themselves out as they toil to ensure their farm is the finest across the land! This animal-friendly title is available to download today for 800 Wii Points!

"If you've been caught up in the festive season make sure you're up-to-date with the latest releases on Virtual Console. Christmas Day saw the release of an additional present in the form of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!, the final instalment in the Donkey Kong Country series. First released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1996, this action-packed title sees Dixie Kong team up with her toddler cousin Kiddy Kong to come to the rescue of DK and Diddy. Make the most of brand new combination moves and manic mini-games in this bananas title, available for download for 800 Wii Points!"

Stick around for further updates...

Box art for Harvest Moon








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I never played the SNES game, I am tempted to get it but I doubt I will.

Meh...when the hell is Harvest Moon 2 coming out on the DS!! I want it now!

VC releases lately have been a bit meh. I mean DKC3 for an XMAS game isn't what I had in mind...

I'll probably get Harvest Moon. Not sure how good the SNES one was though.

Want moar Harvest Moons on DS though.

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ooooh this brings new hope for HM64 on the vc i want to download it hopefuly it comes to the states monday

wolfmanz51 said:
ooooh this brings new hope for HM64 on the vc i want to download it hopefuly it comes to the states monday

HM64 is a certainty on the VC.

Maybe not... since it never came to EU. On the other hand if HM64 comes out on VC, the chances of Super Mario RPG rise considerably, if you ask me Smilie

Just got HM as a VC gift for a late XMAS present. My bro, the local HM fan, is playing it now Smilie

I'll likely get a chance to play it in the next week or so. I'm weighed down with work atm Smilie.

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I'll enjoy my Rune Factory while you go play your Harvest Moon SNES VC. Smilie

I would be excited about this if I hadn't already put it on my PSP a few days ago. Portable Mooning ftw.

SNES one was quite good, though.

I downloaded it yesterday and think it's great. My only problem with it is that a day lasts like 2 minutes and once the day ends, all the shops are closed, no more crops can be put in the basket and all the townsfolk are asleep so you have to rush everyday. Luckily though the night never ends allowing you spend an infinite amount of time working on your farm. (Obviously visiting the hot spring to avoid collapsing.)

( Edited on 05.01.2008 23:29 by iFrit )

Yeah most Harvest Moon games you tend to rush around at first, then your daily jobs become very routine and you're used to shipping the best items each day.

I've yet to play this, probably will in the next few days. Looks good, and actually shows Harvest Moon hasn't changed much since the first game...

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I thought Super Mario RPG was going to be one of the first VC games to come out because it was actually listed for one to come out early in 2007 and they didnt release it. I do hope for the Harvest moon games to come to VC as well.

Why o why did I plant my crops just as hurricane struck?Smilie

iFrit said:
Why o why did I plant my crops just as hurricane struck?Smilie

Because Harvest Moon has a formula to make it so that the hurricane hits just when it'll do the most damage Smilie

In Harvest Moon DS, the Mermaid Leia (one of the bachelorette's) can be blown away forever in a hurricane.

It's true. Smilie

Hurricanes are evil things.

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For those talking about HM64 not coming to Europe, it should also be remembered that this SNES game never got released here this is its first Euro appearance ever!

Definitely bodes well for Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger when/if they hit the US VC.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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