uncovered: 'Rosetta' and 'WiiBo' from Nintendo, 'Battle Lord', 'Dark Butler' and 'Anonymous's Game' from Square Enix and 'Record of Cardboard Box War' from Level 5. Whilst a couple may seem obvious, what could the others be? Be sure to share your thoughts and speculation inside..." /> News: Nintendo News | New Trademarks from Square Enix, Level 5 & Nintendo Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo News | New Trademarks from Square Enix, Level 5 & Nintendo

By Adam Riley 28.12.2007 15

Quick News - The following Japanese trademarks were recently uncovered: 'Rosetta' and 'WiiBo' from Nintendo, 'Battle Lord', 'Dark Butler' and 'Anonymous's Game' from Square Enix and 'Record of Cardboard Box War' from Level 5. Whilst a couple may seem obvious, what could the others be?

Be sure to share your thoughts and speculation inside...

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WiiBo? Some kinda instant messaging Wii-service? or some kinda air-freshning thang Smilie

Dark Butler sounds sweet Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

WiiBo = TaeBo


another game for the Wiifit for sure

Rosetta?? hmmm

'Rosetta' is just the new Princess from Mario Galaxy, isn't it? And fenix, I thought the same about WiiBo...but it could also be the abbreviated name for the Wii Balance Board.

Level 5's game intrigues me. Hopefully it's a project for Wii at long last!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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At IGN they've been calling the Wii balance board WiiBo for a while. I think they said that's what they call it in Japan.

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'Record of Cardboard Box War'

What the hell could that be? A bunch of Snake wannabes going "In box, out box"?

Still, I love Level 5, so I can't wait Smilie

s-e titles will probably be ds games. they're unique names as is.

jesusraz said:
Rosetta is just the new Princess from Mario Galaxy, isnt it? And fenix, I thought the same about WiiBo...but it could also be the abbreviated name for the Wii Balance Board.Level 5s game intrigues me. Hopefully its a project for Wii at long last!

Her name is Rosalina (I'm playing Galaxy now and I just checked wikipedia to make sure).

Dark Butler and Record of Cardboard Box War sound like fun Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Ahh tag you beat mee to it (stomps feet in a hissy huff)

Rosetta maybe language software?

(as in, 'Rosetta stone' ?)

Problem is, thats already in use...

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The character from Super Mario Galaxy is called:

Rosetta in Japan

And Rosalina in the Western localisations.

So it could very possibly have something to do with Rosalina/Rosetta.

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WiiBo's just the Balance Board. Rosetta, I don't know. I'm hoping they're not creating some stupid spin-off of Galaxy.

Nah, it's likely just to trademark the name. Indicating she'll probably end up a staple character in the Mario series at the least...

Still, is there any news of trademarking the name "Rosalina" aswell?

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'Record of Cardboard Box War'

Clearly a dodgy translation of Record of Lodoss War.

Except for that Lodoss War thing is the American name of it.

Sprite said:
Except for that Lodoss War thing is the American name of it.

Well they put it on the Japanese box of this Dreamcast game:

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