Nintendo DS Media | Even More Final Fantasy IV Videos

By Adam Riley 17.12.2007 8

Square Enix has released even more video clips from the Final Fantasy IV DS remake that hits Japan on 20th December, in just a couple of days time. Following the last voice acting video on C3, plus these other character ones, check out these three new clips below:


Yang Fang Leiden

Gilbart Chris von Muir

[ Thanks to Forever Fantasy for the clips ]

Stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for Final Fantasy IV



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Still looking good. I hope the voice acting is in the English version it'll be so good.

Also this will be better than FF3 because it'll be easier.

Well if the moon is anything like in the orignal FF4 it's gonna be stupidly hard at times.

I hope it is hard beacuse that's what made FF3 so good. it didn't...traveling all the way up the last dungeon fighting several bosses (and enemies that were nearly just as difficult!) then trying to take on the last boss without a save point in between it all was ridiculous. If you died you had to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, very infuriating.

Blade2t3 said:
Well if the moon is anything like in the orignal FF4 its gonna be stupidly hard at times.

What!! Oh no no no no no no......Smilie

Blade2t3 said: it didnt...traveling all the way up the last dungeon fighting several bosses (and enemies that were nearly just as difficult!) then trying to take on the last boss without a save point in between it all was ridiculous. If you died you had to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, very infuriating.

The last dungeon on ff3 was easy, I was really dissappointed in how easy the last boss was.

Yea FF4 can be ridiculously hard at times yet I still love it.

Guest 18.12.2007#8

Just make sure you level up a lot when you are alone/with very few members.

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