Nintendo News | Cooking Mama Hits 1 Million in Europe

By Adam Riley 06.12.2007 8

505 Games today revealed that European sales of its celebrated Cooking Mama franchise have surpassed one million units in total. The game, first released on Nintendo DS and eventually Wii, has now become 505 Games' most successful title to date.

Since its September 2006 release, Cooking Mama has worked its way into the homes of both casual and hardcore gamers alike with its easily accessible 'hands-on' gameplay. And with plans for the much-anticipated sequel to be released in 2008 in full motion, budding chefs keen to serve up seconds won't have long to wait.

"These fantastic results vindicate the hard work and dedication from everyone at 505 that has gone into making this our most successful franchise to date. We've set ourselves a lofty target, but now we're all keen to see how quickly we can get Cooking Mama 2 to one million!"
- commented Ian Howe, 505 Games' Managing Director.

Be sure to stick around and track the strong progress of the game in the UK right here on Cubed3...

Box art for Cooking Mama








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (13 Votes)

European release date 17.11.2006   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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I recently bought Cooking Mama. It was good ^^

Will probably buy the sequel, too.

But not the Wii version. That's meant to be crap.

I've not played it (because i don't really want to buy it)...but i don't see how cooking can be fun...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Never played the game, but my little sister owns it and loves it. Now all her friends have Pink DS lites and Cooking Mama.

To be honest, ZS, it's not so much a cooking game, more a case of lots of mini-games that simply have a cooking theme.

This is in no way like Nintendo's DS duo of Cooking Navi or 1000 Healthy DS Recipes.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

i found cooking mama on DS extremely hard.

Cubed3 Member Since 2006. You can find me @
Xfire | SonicRetro

I don't didn't even grace the charts when it first came out, then all of a sudden it's been in the All Formats Top 20 to this very day!!

Why did it become so popular out of the blue?

That's something I've talked about totally came out of nowhere after being completely ignored upon release. And it wasn't like there were retailer promotions, price cuts or even an ad campaign - it just magically shot upwards and, as you say, has been there ever since Smilie

Crazy...But the same happened with Zoo Tycoon, although that's died down somewhat now. Shows how unpredictable the DS market is.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I have been tempted a number of times to buy it, but it doesn't seem to have the legs necessary to pay RRP for it. I get the feeling the novelty will wear off quickly, so it is just that many other games have higher priority for my money.

The Wii version was pretty cheap in a catalogue this week, but for the same reasons as the DS version, I skipped that as well. Too many games asking for my money. Life is full of tough choicesSmilie

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