Nintendo DS News | It

By Adam Riley 05.12.2007 11

The news everyone has been waiting for is finally here: Square Enix is bringing the DS-exclusive 'It's a Wonderful World' over to Europe, but under the new name of 'The World Ends with You'.

Square Enix Ltd has today confirmed that THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU, an exciting new title from the makers of KINGDOM HEARTS, will be released exclusively on the Nintendo DS in all PAL territories in Spring 2008.

Previously known as Subarashiki Kono Sekai (It's a Wonderful World) on its release in Japan, THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU is an innovative new title from Square Enix that fully utilises the capabilities of the Nintendo DS, and takes major influence from Japan's modern day culture including its people, music, clothes, food and design.

Set in Tokyo's trendiest district, the story begins with the lead character Neku waking up to find a phone message stating he has only 7 days before he will cease to exist. Only with the coolest fashions, friends and fighting skills can Neku restore hope to the city's population and prevent being stricken from existence altogether!

"Square Enix has traditionally been associated with RPG's set in fantasy lands, but THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU is our first ever game to be set in modern times and real-life locations. The use of the Nintendo DS functionality is second to none. We believe gamers of all ages and abilities will be able to enjoy all that THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU has to offer."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.

Below are some details on the game's story and main features:

The story begins as our hero, Neku, wakes up amidst the hustle and bustle of Shibuya, Tokyo. Confused and disoriented, he receives a message on his phone warning him that he will cease to exist unless he completes a certain mission. With his life seemingly on the line, Neku plunges into the back streets of the urban labyrinth...

  • Experience the urban grit and neon of the coolest district in Tokyo with a distinctive, high quality style of in-game artwork;
  • Meet an achingly hip cast of characters each with an interesting personality and stylish sense in fashion, music and culture;
  • Highly innovative and intuitive combat system that makes full use of the Nintendo DS Touch Screen, Dual Screens and Microphone like no other game before it!
  • Use fantastic psychic powers to read the thoughts of the population, put words into people's minds, and move objects to help you progress in your adventure!
  • Immerse yourself in an amazing audio soundtrack featuring a diverse fusion of bleeding-edge hip-hop, rock, and techno;
  • A tale of friendship, hope and overcoming your challenges, creatively told with a modern edge;
  • Shop till you drop! Keep abreast of the latest Trends to stay one step ahead of the fashion scene and your enemies. Trade items with friends using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection too;
  • Action-packed minigame fun that can be enjoyed by up to four players via DS Wireless Play!
  • Engage the Chance Encounter mode via DS Wireless Play to share data with fellow game users you bump into in the real world.
Stick with Cubed3 for further exciting updates...

Box art for The World Ends with You

Square Enix


Square Enix





C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

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Sorry to dp, but this is fantastic news! The rumour in EGM said it would come to the US in 2008...but for the official announcement for a European release to come first is bloody AMAZING! And a release in Spring 2008?? Smilie


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I played the japanese version. dual screen simultaneus battle are crazy and tetsuya normuras are style in this it top much

Yup, very stylish game indeed. I couldn't get the hang of the dual-screen control set-up at first, but then it all just 'clicks' and turned into one of the most refreshing battle systems I've ever played.

The music's funky as well...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I actually glad that its being released outside Japan. Great news!

Awesome new name.Smilie Preorder first Chance I get. Smilie


Just saying this is one of my favourite games ever!!!!!!!!!!!!


Also to all the thousands of square enix game producers that read c3: make a sequel ASAP.

( Edited on 05.12.2007 19:13 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Well, now it's confirmed for Europe, I'll try and get some questions answered on it (already submitted some for FFXII: RW). With such a game engine and unique battle mechanic in place, you'd think that would encourage the assets to be re-used at some point...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I want this game bad and am well happy it's got a U.K release, I had thought it would not likely be released outside japan. Great art style and music from what I have seen in videos, I love the main character sprite. I will put up with the crazy control scheme for fighting if it's a good game elsewhere.

Question is, will it sell? *Looks at Okami and sighs*

Well, given that they're already plugging it as 'By the makers of Kingdom Hearts!' it might just have a chance...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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