I bet they spoilt half of the fucking story in that trailer 
Am I allowed to scream like a fangirl now? OK... *ahem* EEEEEEEEKK!! 
This looks simply fantastic, the animation is already 1,000,000 times better than FFIII's, everything about it look better. The Japanese version's voices, at least, are really good.
I'm wondering if the western version will still have voice acting.
Also, I'm going to ask a question that's been bugging me since I ever heard of voice acting in FF games...
In most FF games, you can change the character's name to what you want to it to be, but the default name is their normal name (like in FFIII right at the beginning when you name Luneth) so how do they get around that in games with voice acting? Do they just:
#1 Completely remove the naming system?
#2 Not ever say each other's names in voice acted cut-scenes?
I am puzzled.