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Nintendo DS Media | Final Fantasy IV - Voice Acting Video!

By Adam Riley 05.12.2007 16

Square Enix's Final Fantasy IV remake on DS just gets better and better each time it is shown and now a brand new trailer has emerged from the company's official website.

Check it out below:

[ Thanks to NeoGAF's creamsugar for the video link ]

The game is due for release in just a couple of weeks in Japan, so stay tuned for further updates...

Box art for Final Fantasy IV



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

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I bet they spoilt half of the fucking story in that trailer Smilie

Am I allowed to scream like a fangirl now? OK... *ahem* EEEEEEEEKK!! Smilie

This looks simply fantastic, the animation is already 1,000,000 times better than FFIII's, everything about it look better. The Japanese version's voices, at least, are really good.

I'm wondering if the western version will still have voice acting.

Also, I'm going to ask a question that's been bugging me since I ever heard of voice acting in FF games...

In most FF games, you can change the character's name to what you want to it to be, but the default name is their normal name (like in FFIII right at the beginning when you name Luneth) so how do they get around that in games with voice acting? Do they just:

#1 Completely remove the naming system?
#2 Not ever say each other's names in voice acted cut-scenes?

I am puzzled.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Never say each other's names, simple as that Smilie

And I take back my previous comments. Tales of Innocence (which I'm playing at the moment) is bloody gorgeous to look at...but FFIV manages to even beat that! Smilie I'm seriously stunned!

The dev team at Matrix has stated it had trouble fitting everything in to FFIII's remake, so didn't know what to do with FFIV. The solution? Better codecs and a reduction in polygons for the character models (which actually helps make them look a little more 'realistic'). Less is more! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yeah I read about that too ^^

Why didn't they just use the same huge DS cart that ASH uses? Is it really expensive or something?

And you're playing Tales of Innocence? Smilie I didn't know it was out so soon in Japan... I hope it comes to the west Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Play-Asia started shipping out copies far earlier than it should do!

And ASH is the only game to use the 256meg DS card so far. I think FFIV just uses a 128meg card.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This is looking fantastic! Great to see the RPG genre pushing the DS to its limits.

i hear this one have alot of FMV in the game, as well as voice acting

i hope they have voice for KH DS too

( Edited on 05.12.2007 12:22 by Jump_button )

Wow, now I want this game even more...

I hope there is a subtitle option for the cutscenes, or I'll miss half the plot.

Excellent, hopefully they get some decent voice overs for the West. Looks like they are really putting a ton into it.

And they did a good job picking the girl singing the background song too. I have no idea what she was saying, but it sure sounded purty. Smilie

Why didn't they just use the same huge DS cart that ASH uses? Is it really expensive or something?

Yeah, likely a lot more expensive, and also might have a slower stream speed (dunno if thats the right term). In the states, the Square Enix games that use the 128 MB card are more expensive then smaller games when they first come out.

( Edited on 05.12.2007 13:33 by Jacob4000 )


SuperLink said:
In most FF games, you can change the characters name to what you want to it to be, but the default name is their normal name (like in FFIII right at the beginning when you name Luneth) so how do they get around that in games with voice acting? Do they just:#1 Completely remove the naming system?#2 Not ever say each others names in voice acted cut-scenes?I am puzzled.

#1 - Not allow you to change the characters' names. This will be great if the English dubbing isn't shit. Which, going by the amazing English dub on FFXII, it shouldn't be anything less than superb. However, they might get lazy with this one, and the English dub for FFIVDS may end up like the pants one found in FFX. *shivers*

You mean there's an English dub that doesn't suck? Maybe I should play FFXII...

The Japanese voices in this sound excellent. What are the chances of original Japanese voices with subtitles? Smilie Not much probably... but that'd be awesome.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This looks freakin' awesome!!! Can't wait to play it. Love the CG scenes.
I wonder who'll be the voice actors in the english version of the game.

Guest 07.12.2007#13

Palom&Porom: Stone!

I remember feeling sad when that took place. I hope they will get that right and not have someone shouting "Noooooooooooo!" really badly, like usual.

That was the most sad part in the game for me. Smilie And they were so awesome too...

I was worried that the trailer would spoil it, wouldn't be very good for those who hadn't played it Smilie

Also showed Cid jumping off the Airship, and at the end of the trailer, I coulda sworn, by the look on Cecil's face, that Golbez just said "No Cecil.... I, am your


Cecil: "No! That's not true, that's IMPOSSIBLE!"

Golbez: "Search your feelings, you know it to be true!"

Cecil: "Ah well, I'll get over it. :-/"

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Guest 07.12.2007#15


And did Tellah say "You spoony bard!" in Japanese there?

I am very curious to hear the new renditions of the music in monster town/sylph cave(?) and Toroia, with all the frogs swimming around the castle.

If the "spoony bard" scene is voiced, it will be one of the greatest fan tributes EVAR :3

They've kept it in the remastered GBA version... not having it in the DS version would be a crime.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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